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Report to the Chief Executive Officer

Executive Summary

It is important to look into the matter that bringing a labour into Australia is not a simple matter of completing documentation and sending a cheque for the fee of processing. The Federal Government and industry connections are good sources, but the process of migration is complex and requires knowledge regarding the immigration regulations of Australia. Moreover, if we find the eligible candidates for the position of skilled construction labour is hard and long task in Australia whose first language is not English. Reflecting the complexities involved, there is no surprise regarding the migration and recruitment service providers who were multiplied in the current years. They have also promoted the low limitations of entry and the desperate employers who are ready to pay for the good staff. It is estimated that the cost would generally cost around $4000 to $6000 for having an agency to find the employee and bring it to the Australia (Piepenburg, 2011, p.570). However, wages depend on the past experience of the worker and their eligible skills about the designed work.

It has been researched that the firms of Recruitment have managed the opportunities to place their candidates and foreign consultants in the developing economies. The main issue in the international employee hiring is to go through the uncertain condition of Australian tax implications. There are few common tax consequences which would rose when the candidate and consultant is sent to overseas as an employee for 3 to 6 months and remains the resident of Australia for the purpose of tax. These results are applicable to both consultants and recruitment firms that send the candidates to overseas. However, the accommodation of an employee is relied on the facts of individual and their circumstances. The Tax Commissioner regards the employees that sent overseas to be the residents of Australia for the purposes of tax, if their term of employment is not more than 2 years. Apart from the general practice, there are situations where the employees might be characterized as a non-resident and if they could show the intention that there is more than temporary absence from Australia. The consequences of tax flows either by the characterization which are missed, particularly when the labour sends from the emerging states like India. It is essential to note that the employees can spend their 90 days in Australia without paying any taxes. Most of the companies are familiar that, usually, service income gained in a foreign country by their workers may be not liable from Australian tax under s 23AG of the earnings Tax Assessment Act of 1936 , if their worker is employed for over 91 days constant overseas service (Reid & Barrington, 1997. p 230). On the other hand, there are exceptions to this law. When the service income of the workers in the abroad is not liable from tax in that state, either by the business of dual tax conformity or for the reason, it does not Levy a tax on ...
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