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Brand Marketing Assignment


Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. and Cisco Systems, Inc. are competitors in the international market of information technology. Due to their regular interactions across various markets, focus, similar age and objectives, I have chosen them to compare and contrast in order to understand the various phenomena of Brand Marketing.

Brand Marketing Assignment

Comparison and Contrast Compare of the Various Brand Elements in terms of Meaningfulness, Memorability, Transferability, Protectability and Adaptability


The memorability of both Huawei and Cisco derive from the production or propagation of their products, creating brand recognition, on the other hand, Cisco also increases its memorability by means of its meaningful and memorable name and logo (Boad, 1999, p.68). The likeability of Huawei is obtained from its devotion and commitment to innovation and development as well as its user-friendliness devices like tablets and smart phones whereas Cisco gets it from its allegiance to the human network and the customers.


The meaningfulness of Huawei is quite weak, originating only from its Chinese name symbolizing it as a high-technology organization, while Cisco also derives it from its logo, which reminds of connectivity and bandwidth bars (Hoskisson, 2009, p.236).


Transferability of the Cisco and Huawei brands is revealed by their international presence, the call for security and networking technology noticed across the borders of the country, restrict not by geographic, culture or language requirements (Hoskisson, 2009, p.236). Huawei has stretched out into more than hundred countries in the world whilst Cisco has gained access in more than 165 countries all over the world (Mohr, 2011, p.112). The online presence of both Huawei and Cisco is extensive, upholding useful corporate websites, offering details and information on the history of brand, company news and significant information related to the product. Both brands are sensible, hosting distinctive websites for different countries in their native language with news and information according to the presence of the brand in that country, not just a translated adaptation of the corporate website (Bell, 22008, p.99). Particularly, Cisco offers a bundle of information on its website, as well as exclusive corporate social responsibility websites plus a considerable presence on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook (Hoskisson, 2009, p.236).


Both Cisco and Huawei progress with changing needs in technology, growing and proceeding towards changing fields for instance Cisco's move into the technology of virtualization and Huawei's development in consumer devices and cloud technology (Boad, 1999, p. 69). Both have experienced logo adaptation during the brand's lifespan, even though the logo adaptation of Cisco has been far more dramatic as compare to Huawei, in spite of not being predominantly drastic. Cisco attached its name to the logo and the bars were made more indicative of connectivity bars rather than just the Golden Gate Bridge and revised the choice of font as well (Boad, 1999, p. 69). Huawei modified its logo's shape, however the only noteworthy adaptation was to get rid of the Chinese characters and swap them with pinyin. This helped this brand to become more accessible to the consumers who are non-Chinese-speaking (Boad, 1999, ...
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