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Contextual and theoretical essay

Contextual and Theoretical Essay


The term branding and brand are considered in different contexts with different meanings so it could make easier for people to ask what exactly a brand is. In simple words, Brand is a set of connections that group of people or person makes with a product, individual, company, service and organization. These connections can be intentional and may be vigorously promoted by the help of corporate identity and marketing. For instance, a poor press review regarding the new launched product may harm the overall branding of manufacturer, by placing the adverse connections in the mind of people. We can simply explain by defining the world's biggest brand of soft drink, Coca-Cola. Brand is the image of the product which stands its entire credibility in the world. It is quoted by one of the Coca-Cola executives that if the company of Coca-Cola would lose its entire production assets in a calamity, the firm will still survive. According to the survey of 2007, the branding agency calculated the brand equity of Coca-Cola as valued around 65.3 US billion dollars under the true market value of company ( Its physical appearance is the white and red logo with corporate colours and the tint and unique shape is the identifier of original Coca-Cola cold drink brand. Branding can be interpret in many ways as some people would like the company's brand and its designing, and some would show their disappointment regarding its shape, look and design. For instance, few people might think that Coca-Cola is unhealthy or it must be a symbol of imperialism by the brand of America. These kinds of negative interpretations and perceptions can be deeply connected to the identity of brand.

Discussion Analysis

What is branding?

Branding is the identity of a product with its uniqueness of designing and its complete outlook. It has been noticed that if the results of brand is a set of perceptions and associations in the mind of people, then branding will be the attempt to influence, generate or control these connections for helping the business to perform in a better way. Any organization could benefit greatly by making a brand which can represent the company as reliable, thrilling, and trusted or any other element that is suitable for the business. Branding is something giving a trademark to the company's products and its reputation in the world. It is not important that branding can be only represented by the product but it also has service aspects which makes a brand different from other brands. In a simple manner, it is a way of highlighting the product that what makes it different more demanding than others. Successful branding raises an organisation or product from being just one service amongst many identical commodities, for becoming somewhat a unique promise and character. This thing might create the emotional consumer demand and selects the products and services that are both based on the pragmatic and emotional ...
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