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Introduction to Marketing


Introduction to Marketing4


Key Marketing Concepts4

Customer Satisfaction4

Integrated Marketing5

Focusing over Profitability5

Marketing Techniques Used by Fresh Express5


Low Cost and More Products5

Catering to Children6

Quality of Food6

Free Delivery6


Developing Website7

Marketing techniques used in other businesses7

Constraints and Limitations7

Business Plan8

The Industry8

Main Competitors8

USPs for Fresh Express9

Marketing Plan of Fresh Express9

SWOT Analysis9




Customer Groups10

Target Market and trends10

Market Segmentation11

How to reach targeted customers11

Marketing Mix11





Purpose of 4 P's13

Marketing Mix of Fresh Express13

Product of Fresh Express13

Price of Fat burger14

Placement of Fresh Express14

Promotion of Fat burger14


Introduction to Marketing


There are various definitions of marketing given by different researchers. However marketing is the tool that is used for the success of the business. They mainly focus over the targeted customers and believe in customer satisfaction. American Marketing Association defines marketing as an activity or set of institutions that deals with the communication and delivery of various offers that have value for the customers, business partners and clients at a large. The overall target of the marking is to increase the sales of the business to generate more revenues that helps the business to achieve their profits targets. This could be done by using various tools and techniques to promote ideas, goods and services to the customer. Marketing mainly deals with the product and the customers. They increase the awareness of the product among their customers (Blythe, 2009, p.35).

Key Marketing Concepts

The philosophy behind the marketing concept is to understand the needs of the customers. This also analyzes those needs and adopts various techniques to satisfy their customers keeping in view the market competition. In marketing concept the focus is laid on the customer satisfaction apart from selling product. The core concept on which the entire is based depends upon increasing the profits of the business by the customer satisfaction apart from increasing the sales. The entire marketing concepts revolve around the customers and this is assumed as the central point. Hence it is important for the entrepreneurs to focus over their targeted customers, understand their needs and try to overcome their requirements (Blythe, 2009, p.55). The key marketing concepts includes

Customer Satisfaction

In this modern era of globalization, customers are the focus of every business unit either it is a small business or the large enterprises. As mentioned above the entire activities of marketing revolves around customers. Various tools and techniques are used in marketing in order to overcome the needs of the customers. Hence the businesses must focus over those products, goods and services that lead to the satisfaction of the customers.

Integrated Marketing

Marketing must be integrated with the other business units such as production and finance in order to provide much better goods and services for the customer that leads to their internal satisfaction. Such strategy helps in the expansion of the business as the customer normally requires a complete package.

Focusing over Profitability

Marketing mainly focuses over the customer satisfaction. The marketing strategy of the businesses is assumed to be successful only when it is capable of maximizing profits and achieve the long run customer satisfaction (Tynan,, 2009, p.512).

Marketing Techniques Used by Fresh Express

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