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REI Target store analysis

Secondary sources

Trade development Alliance of Greater Seattle. (n.d.). An overview of Greater Seattle's outdoor recreational industry for prospective partners in business, investment and research. Seattle, WA 98101 USA. Retrievable from

Outdoor Industry Association. (n.d.). The outdoor recreation economy. Boulder, Colo. Retrievable from

Outdoor Industry Association. (n.d.). The Active Outdoor Recreation Economy. Boulder, Colo. Retrievable from

Value of the secondary sources

The secondary sources mentioned above provide information related to the recreational equipment industry as a whole, and how much essential this industry is to the economy. These sources gather various kinds of statistics on how beneficial and profitable industry it has been and how the businesses over the time have established. These sources further provide information regarding the economy of target in relation to various geographic regions.

Value of the secondary sources to the Company

These sources are valuable to the company in their analysis of the target industry, the opportunities available, market research, strengths of the industry, and identifying their consumer market. By considering the secondary sources it has been identified that these sources are targeting the product line services of REI.

Competitors of REI (L.L Bean)

The company selected for this paper is LL Bean (Leon Leonwood Bean), which is one of the leading companies in the fields of retail of hunting, fishing, and camping and related outdoor recreation merchandise. According to the company, the main aim is to help the family and kids in their best interest. LL Bean is regarded as one of the top most manufacturing companies with top most quality and competitive marketing strategies.

Product analysis L.L Bean

The products of L.L Bean offers at the retail to its customer provides the quality and reliable “travelling” product at the affordable prices for that they have used, demographic, and geographic and segmentation of behavioral market for their products. ...
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