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Segmentation, Targeting And Positioning Activities in Organizations

Table of contents


Aims of the report3

Discussion: Part A: Theoretical Literature Review4

Market Segmentation4

Pros and cons of Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Activities in Organizations6

Targeting market8

Positioning market10

Part B: organizational analysis13

Highland Spring Limited13

Contract with British Airways15

Strategy for Advertisement16

Participating In the Social Causes17

Volvic groups18

Advertisement and the Campaigning19

Market the Sustainable Product20



Segmentation, Targeting And Positioning Activities in Organizations


Marketing is the an important process for an organization for communicating the value and the importance of a product or service to customers. There is a difference in the method to interpret this process. Sometimes it can be described as the art of selling products, but selling is only a small fraction of marketing. The product can be introduced in the market when the right method and the strategy is adopted for the advertisement of the product (Fraga& Goldfajn, 2003). There is certain criterion related to the process of marketing and is dependent on the strategies implemented. These strategies are dependent on predicted customer behavior in a specific market segment. Therefore, in order to predict and estimate the consumer buying as well as purchasing behaviors and methods. This is known as the process of segmenting and positioning. Similarly it is important to develop a methodology or a system that is based on the chronological steps (Wood, 2003) This system is based on the terms like segmentation, targeting and positioning. Therefore it can be termed as the dependency and relationship between these processes that is used to evaluate the marketing strategy and approach.

Aims of the report

The aim of this report is to identify the concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning activities in organizations and the present literature review of the topic. In second part, the case study of two UK based organizations has been undertaken in order to identify, compare and contrast the segmentation, targeting and positioning approaches of two very different water brands: Highland Spring and Volvic, focusing specifically on the UK market.

Discussion: Part A: Theoretical Literature Review

Market Segmentation

Market segmentation can be defined as the method in which a market is subdivided into different segments or different subsets of the buyers and the consumers (Morgan & Levy, 1993). The division is dependent on the different behaviors and the qualities that are exhibited by the consumer or that are related to the specific need of the consumer depending on their age group, way of using a product, frequency of use or the similar needs of the consumers (McDonald & Dunbar, 1995). This help to develop a more précised and specific marketing strategy depending on the subset in which the consumer falls (McDonald & Dunbar, 1995). Therefore the whole process of marketing is dependent on the sub set of the consumer and the target audience. This process and the method of sub dividing into group or the subsets is known as segmentation.

The process of segmentation starts with a particular process that is dependent on the product-specific factor that clearly represents the differences in the needs and the requirements of the consumers in the ...
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