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It is not possible for the organizations to exist in the environment of global competition without offering excellent products and services with attractive marketing strategies. It is very easy to market the products as it is tangible and customers can have an idea about the product, but as services are intangible there is need to extra attention for the marketing strategies offered for the services. Lovelock, (2002) defines the concept of service marketing in details to assist the problems regarding better services. For service providers it is not possible to sale their services all over the world like a product, but services providers mostly need s to get attention of the customers and clients available for them. There are various local clients which serve as only single option for most of the organizations which operate locally. One chance for these organizations is to get the attention of tourists. Kotler, P. (2006) discussed the strategies to improve the marketing by hospitality and effect of tourism on services.With the concept of globalization it is the most important concern for the organizations to offer the attractive services as there are more tourists and if the services are best there can be chances for the international recognition.

Service Marketing

The discipline devoted to the analysis of the behavior of markets and consumers is known as service marketing or marketing. Its aim is to work in the commercial management of the companies to retain and engage customers, introduce new products, etc. Marketing services, on the other hand, constitute the set of activities that a company carries out to meet customer needs. A service is a non-material (intangible), which usually meet as the inseparability characteristics (production and consumption are simultaneous), the perish ability (cannot be stored) and heterogeneity (two services can never be identical). The definition of these concepts allows us to refer to the marketing of services, which is the branch of marketing that specializes in this particular category of products or goods.

Market Specialization

This specialization of marketing, therefore, must be based on the basic characteristics of services (intangibility, inseparability, perish ability and heterogeneity) to establish commercial management strategies. This means that marketing services should consider predominantly intangible nature of the service (which can hinder the selection of competitive bids by the consumer) and the lack of storage (which adds uncertainty to the marketing of services), among other issues.

Marketing Mix

The marketing mix of this branch of marketing has several differences compared to the marketing of products, because in this case the technology and primary client type are essential. The usual marketing mix, on the other hand, does not include items that are essential for the generation and delivery of service. Marketers can use the model the marketing mix as a tool to assist in the definition of the marketing strategy. It is used by the marketing managers a way to try to generate a response ideal in the target market by blending four, five, or seven variables in an exemplary ...
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