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The Role of Marketing in a Consumer Society

The Role of Marketing in a Consumer Society


Apple Inc. is a huge multinational company which is based in the United States of America and is known to manufacture and design consumer electronics and computer software products. Macintosh computers, the iPod and the iPhone are the most well known and recognized brands that have been manufactured and launched by the company.

Over the years Apple has turned out to become a brand that has been gained reputation and has turned to become a strong brand, which is expensive but never compromises on quality as well. It is automatically associated with attributes like innovation, quality, distinction and design. Innovation and quality both are such attributes that ask for high price but this expensiveness promises the end customer that what ever he is buying with the brand name Apple, it has for sure an excellent product that will guarantee him quality for value (Katz

& Shapiro, 1992, pp. 55-84).

Marketing Techniques and Strategies Employed by Apple Inc.


Apple is not only successful, it is tremendously successful, not just because it has turned out to be the biggest and most recognized corporations within its industry, but majorly as it has all the knowledge of how to market products and sell them at the best possible prices.

Apple is targeting its specific market but taking over them with quality standards and not following horizontal marketing and sales techniques. It doesn't just wants to take over those smart phones, because it has its own name and its least bothered about other brands that are in the market because it has gained such a position which is for its sure success. It doesn't take up the practice of changing products and adding in features to them in haste. It made sure to add a camera to the iPod touch when it was appropriate to do so as at the time when it was ready to be installed. Each and every move of Apple is well planned and organized, understanding its target segment's needs and psyche (Fortune Magazine, 2010).


Apple has the art of not targeting markets just like through a proper norm that other corporations follow. What it practices is that it focuses and highlights on its users. Once it knows who they are it lets them make up their mind that how and where they would like to use the products the brand offers. This is actually the quality of great companies who tremendously succeed in whatever they are doing as they focus on individuals and understand their needs to make up outstanding products for them making sure that they utilize the technology in the best possible manner.

The target market of Apple is those who come from the middle and the upper class and can afford to make payment for a superb user experience. Taking out more money for a computer is just a petty issue for them. They are those people who enjoy experimenting with ...
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