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The End Of Fashion

The End Of Fashion


Teri Agins is currently a fashion reporter at Wall Street Journal. Her writing style is said to be elegant as well as unpretentious as the women herself. She authored a book called “The End of Fashion” where she states that today; a designer's creativity expresses itself more than ever in marketing rather than in the actual clothes. The focus has shifted away from designing, and if you have enough money and are good at marketing, you can create a strong brand. I strongly believe in the fact that yes, fashion today is all about marketing and it is through the marketing efforts that one is able to create an acceptance in the market as well as carve a niche for itself in the market they are operating in as well as the minds of the consumer (Agins, 2000, pp.14).


Nowadays brands are all about the degree of creativity that is captured in the photograph that is taken where a celebrity or a top model is wearing the attire and posing for the photographer. The more compelling or captivating the photograph is the higher it is going to stir the interest of the consumers to the extent that they will be willing to buy what the photograph depicts ignoring the fact whether it will suit them or not; such is the power of marketing. Designers regardless of the magnitude they have tend to turn themselves into mighty brands by communicating the attitude and lifestyle by a single photo that has been clicked (Agins, 2000, pp.15).

The premise behind a dramatic shift from pure creativity to marketing and branding is because of the four mega trends that have been witnessed in the past few decades especially in the times of baby boomers and generation X. Firstly, women have ...
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