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Report Designed to advice CEG Limited on the development of a marketing strategy for bio- sack Garden waste.

CEG Limited,



Prepared By:

Essam Abuzied

Marketing Adviser

CEG Limited, Branch Office,

United Kingdom.

Report No 12346


Letter of Transmittal

To the Board of Directors,

Following is the report of CEG Limited for development of a marketing strategy for bio- sack Garden waste, Bristol, England. This report provides the detailed insights in growing waste management market of UK which shows the great potentially for CEG Limited to capture the large share in the market through its core competencies. The research is valuable for board of directors in future decision making regarding the potential market entries in UK waste management market and can decide upon the proposed strategies from the study of this research.


Essam Abuzied


The objective of this marketing report is to highlight and discuss all the various activities and stages involved in developing a marketing strategy and marketing plan of CEG Ltd to enter in growing garden waste management market. The research is done in five sections (see appendix 1) which provide deeper insights and justifications into company's position to enter in this market.

Table of Content

Letter of Transmittal2




2.1 Current marketing situation6

2.1.1 Market6

2.1.2 Product7

2.1.3 Competition7

2.1.4 Distribution8

2.2 Situational Analysis8

2.2.1 SWOT Analysis9

2.2.2 PESTLE Analysis11

2.2.3 Porter Five Forces Analysis12

2.3 Sales Volume, Market Share and Profit13

2.4 Marketing strategy and Marketing Mix14

2.4.1 Product14

2.4.2 Pricing15

2.4.3 Place and Distribution15

2.4.4 Promotion15

2.5 Marketing Implementation / Action plan15


Appendix 1-Additional Market Details19

Appendix 2-Portor Generic Strategies21

Marketing Assignment of CEG Company Ltd


Today, there is a growing demand of garden waste management products for both domestic and industrial waste. More and more governments across the globe and especially in the United Kingdom is actively focusing on environmental friendly and innovative products which could help reduce the garden waste and such other wastes. They are increasingly realizing the importance of imparting the new and innovative products such as soluble plastic bags for both domestic and industrial purposes and encouraging many new small, medium and big companies to invest in the growing garden waste management of United Kingdom (see appendix 1).

Having emphasized the growing demand, CEG Ltd, a new company in the market has recently entered in the market by investing more than £5 million in developing and patenting the product of garden waste compost sack known as Bio Sack which contains the form of new soluble plastic bags. CEG Ltd is currently focusing on targeting the market and establishes itself towards the path of dominating this growing garden waste management market across different parts of the United Kingdom and its neighbourhood. The board of CEG Ltd however must take into account several activities and stages involved in the developing a marketing strategy and marketing in order to provide strong justification and rationale of entering in garden waste management market (Pandis, 2011).


2.1 Current marketing situation

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