Mass Advertising Dead In the Era of Personalized Marketing
Mass advertising are going to dead these days as we are going to enter in the new era of personalized marketing. Technology is going to be advanced day by day, that's the reason why marketers are now able to collect huge data about their customers and now they can reach and communicate directly to their customers in an innovative ways.
In order to maintain the interest of the consumer, the key is to maintain that you should keep stimulating interest in your products. If you are doing it through web, you can create discussion boards, communities and chat rooms on your web so that people can come over there and they can talk about your product and comment on them. Word of mouth can also be complemented and supported by traditional communications methods such as advertising, other marketing tools and publicity. Word of mouth is very natural method of communicating with consumers and it should be the initial part for every marketing program.
Discussion & Analyses
Marketers have always taken mass media approach to their work or marketing procedure but today they have changed their process and mass media is going to be dead now. They are doing marketing by sending messages as possible to the customers by the medium available as often as they can do, this crude shotgun method of attack is only the main option for them to use. Mass marketing is the sophisticated way of doing marketing of the things because standing on the street and grab the people who are walking by the road and you hope that some of them or small percentage of them might be interested in what you have to say.
Mass advertising are going to dead these days as we are going to enter in the new era of personalized marketing. Technology is going to be advanced day by day, that's the reason why marketers are now able to collect huge data about their customers and now they can reach and communicate directly to their customers in an innovative ways. As this type of technology going to be advanced and developed, it is very important that marketers should recognize the change in new technology and they should also change their tactics in order to match the changes in technology.
Mass marketing is growing and developing towards more personalized touch, and this will be ...