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Consumer's Lifestyle and Purchase Intention

Table of Contents


Background on Questionnaire as a tool of survey1

Purchase intention2

Adult consumer's lifestyle2

Brought up3

Social life3


Consumer buying behaviour4

Adult consumer's opinion6




Questionnaire for Telephonic Interview11


Consumer's Lifestyle and Purchase Intention


Purchase intention is a very important concept in marketing. The quantity of literature on this topic is very high. The many studies on the topic have concentrated on purchase intention as relates to packaged food, food products, apparel, online buying, automobiles and capital equipment. Studying purchase intention is so important for the companies as it aids them with their resource allocation decisions. Marketers need to predict purchase intentions so that they can predict the forecasts for new and existing products (Gronroos 2006, p 191). The prediction whether a consumer will purchase a product or service or not is dependent on whether he intends to purchase it or not. This has been proved and reinforced by many theories on consumer buying behaviour. There are various ways in which the intention to purchase can be measured but before this, it is essential to understand what is purchase intention and how does it relate to the consumer buying behaviour, adult consumers' lifestyles and their opinions. The aim of the telephonic survey is to establish the relationship between consumer's lifestyle, opinions and purchasing intention for adult consumers in the United Kingdom.

Background on Questionnaire as a tool of survey

For every marketer who owns or is a part of a profitable business, increasing bottom line is paramount and keeping the customers happy is the most important activity. Marketing research is a very good way of going about this. A questionnaire is a series of varied and linked questions that are designed to help the researcher achieve the goal of his research. The questionnaire may be sent either by mail to a group of individuals or institutions chosen by the researcher, or it may be used in a telephonic interview for the researcher to garner data. as a basic rule, the number of questions in the questionnaire should be sufficient and adequate to achieve the aim of the research.

Purchase intention

Purchase intention refers to a plan of a person who wants to buy a certain product or service in the future. This purchase intention may be the product of any of the multiple stages in the consumer buying process. Consumer buying behaviour involves all the behaviours of a person and the decision processes that are involved in buying a certain product or service and using it. There are certain factors that influence the consumer buying behaviour and one of these factors is the purchase intent. Although, the two concepts are relkated to eac other, the order of the two in that which concept becomes the influencing factor for the other differs from person to person (Evans 2006, p 269). This is to say that there can be a person for whom the intention to buy will drive the consumer buying behaviour. On the other hand, there can be another person for whom the consumer buying behaviour ...
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