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Primark's Marketing Model


This report is based on Primark and it entails its historical roadmap, its market positioning which coveys its market standing, Segmentation, Targeting & positioning approach (STP), Corporate Social Responsibilities it conducts, and Current Situation of the market and Recommendations.


This aim of the report is to analyze the marketing plan of Primark. It constitutes the history of Primark along with its background which communicates how it came into being. It discusses about background of Primark, its market positioning conveys its market standing, Segmentation, Targeting & positioning approach (STP), Corporate Social Responsibilities it conducts, and Current Situation of the market and along with the Recommendation that it is suppose to implement in order to further flourish towards the road of success.

The Brand and its Market


Primark is a string of boutiques founded in 1969 by Arthur Ryan and opened his first store called 'Penney's' in Dublin. Four years later Primark started to trade in Britain with new Stores. The company took a major step forward in 1995, acquiring fashion chain BHS increasing its number of stores in England. In the year of 2006, Primark opened its very first store in the Iberian Peninsula in (Madrid) which was followed by another one in Murcia. Primark also expanded its markets to the Netherlands nothing but two years after Spain in December 2008. He bought the first store of Primark to Portugal and then in Germany.

Primark is a clothing retailer; operating over 232 stores in Ireland (where it is branded as Penney's) it is owned by UK- based associated British foods a diversified group with international interests in retail, food and ingredients. Primark and Penney's are its only retail activities and the former is much the larger retail brand. Indeed Primark is the leading value fashion retailer in the UK while its international expansion programme has gained momentum in continental Europe in the last two years. But trading has been significantly tougher in the republic of Ireland where the business still trades as Penney's.

Within the UK there are at least 156 stores and they've expanded over Europe to Spain, Germany, Portugal, Ireland, The Netherlands and Belgium. In total the number of there are 232 stores trading.

Market positioning

Components of Marketing Positioning:

Pricing: The brand Primark has been known as a clothesline business from its establishment. Primark sells clothes at competitive levels as compared to the market. The company's tagline is look good and pay less which communicates the company's pricing strategy. Primark is famous for selling products at lowest/competitive prices in high street, the reason why they are able to afford to sell at such low prices is because they are able to utilise their cost saving strategies, by doing this they buy and sell their products in bulk, they also don't advertise their cost, instead they rely on people talking about how affordable and fashionable their products are.

Quality: Concept of designing is simplicity in terms of designs and cuts and in popular sizes based on demand and produced in ...
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