Marketers And Organization Behaviors

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Marketers and Organization Behaviors

Marketers and Organization Behaviors


This article will examine cross-cultural barriers that marketers face in marketing in new markets internationally, and on the way, organizational behavior help to understand to create an effective strategy.

Identify key words culture, globalization and international marketing will be presented and discussed in this article. Several cross-cultural factors, which are presented in marketing at the international level in this discussion as accepting obstacles for exports, consumer behavior and restraint foreign products, the time for the company market should be taken into account, the level of participation of the new launch product, cross-cultural conduct of negotiations, management of cross-cultural business partners and strategic alliances, international products for consumers and their willingness to globalization. Importance of innovation depends on various aspects of culture and understanding of these barriers is critical to our success in entering new markets of their choice.

Dominant Culture

Definition of culture has led to Hofstede (1980, p.19) is " an interactive set of common characteristics that influence the reaction of his environment." According to the data, TSE. D, K. Lee. I. Vertinsky and Wehrung, D. (1998, p. 82) "Culture is the general trends of the continuing preference for a particular situation in comparison with other Persistent preferences of specific social processes over others, and general rules for selective attention, interpretation are the signals from the environment and responses expressed. It is known that the culture Detailed rules (standards) for certain classes given of situations, so other areas of relatively unregulated. national and ethnic cultures, differ in the degree of regulation of behavior, attitudes and values, management, and ensure the consistency and clarity of regulation and tolerance of other cultures.

Culture influences the values, powers and emotions, which in turn influences the perception of products and services online (Malhotra et al., 1994). It is known that the values of the importance of product features and cultural-specific elements were identified in the content and structure of values (Schwartz & Sagiv, 1995; Kale, 1986) affect. Culture showed the influence of power in the explanation of real events (Lee et al., 1996).


Tian, R. and C. Emery (2002) argue that if globalization is inevitable, then the cross-culturalization is inevitable. On the one hand, the world is more homogeneous and the differences between national markets are not simply disappear, but for some products will disappear. This means that the marketing world is now a broad discipline. But on the other hand, the differences between countries, regions and ethnic groups in the field of culture are far from striking, but it is increasingly clear. This means that the global / international marketing of an intercultural process, the marketer with cultural differences in national, local and ethically ought to be a winner in global markets to be informed.

There are scientists that globalization has created more than the average world market price, with an increasing number of customers from different geographical regions and cultures share the same preferences (Levitt, 1983) argue. This perspective is a function of the development of international linkages and ...
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