Market Segmentation In Product Design And Marketing Channels

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Market Segmentation in Product Design and Marketing Channels

Market Segmentation in Product Design and Marketing Channels

Question 1

Market Segmentation in Product Designs and Marketing Channels

The market segmentation in the case of Apple iphone represents a favourable response towards segmentation based on product design. However, this type of segmentation is not favourable for marketing channels perspectives. The designing of marketing channels within the context of market segmentation suffers a great deal in the case of Apple Iphone since a multitude of marketing channels have been used. Rather, it would have been feasible to incorporate a concentrated marketing channel strategy in order to derive the required results.

Apple Iphone comes in different designs and style which represents a perfect market segmentation strategy with regards to product design. However, in the case of designing of marketing channels, the market segmentation strategy suffers because the market in the case of Apple Iphones belongs to a premium class. They just want to be targeted through one type of marketing channel mainly through social media. The segmentation strategy for the product designs in the case of Apple Iphone has been a super hit and thus must diversify the benefits to other facets of its market.

The product designs have enjoyed a favourable image of the customer segments and thus such a segmentation strategy is considered to be highly effective. On the other hand, such a segmentation strategy is inappropriate because of a variety of reasons. It is not necessary that the marketing channels align with the product design and that is the reason that such a segmentation strategy would not go in favour of the marketing channels.

The customer segment being targeted by Apple mainly involves teenagers and technology geeks that are attracted greatly by the innovative designs and styles of gadgets rather than the advertising mechanisms adopted. Thus such a customer segment requires increased focus on the product design and not on the design of marketing channels. A segmentation strategy in scuh a case would falter completely as the whole focus is on the product design.

The customer segments in the case of Apple are always on the lookout of new and stylish product designs that goes well with their personality. With the application of segmentation we would be able to know the niche, culture, behavior, taste and overall behavior of the consumer in a more particularized manner. A company that can properly find and reach your niche market, you can beat your competitors by pioneering and suitability of its products.

The life cycle is divided into five stages: Product development, Introduction, Growth, Maturity and Decline. Regarding the launch of the iPhone and technological products, we can say that the life cycle is increasingly short forcing the developer in case Apple to revitalize the product through differentiation and market segmentation (Wedel, & Kamakura, 2000).

The period that the iPhone versions remained in each stage is variable and it is also difficult to predict the timing of each make. When the product is in the decline of ...
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