Market Segmentation

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Nintendo Wii Console: Market Segmentation

Executive SummaryTable of Contents

Chapter One: Nintendo Wii Console Market Segmentation4




Positioning and Differentiating5

Product Life Cycle6

Mechanical work on vehicles7

Controller interaction7

Player perspective7


Racing Function8

Difficulty settings8



Chapter One: Nintendo Wii Console Market Segmentation


The targeted group for Me-Can-X game for the Nintendo Wii is the group of younger and older users who like to build things. This game will catch the eye of people who like to design and build things especially since the Nintendo Wii is motion activated so the it would be like the players of the game would actual be taking to motions to build whatever it is they have chosen to build. With this being said we have determined who we are going to target when it comes to marketing the Me-Can-X game. Now this essay will identify segmentation criteria that impact the targeted market selection.


The criterions for the segmentation of the Me-Can-X game are homogeneous, substantial, and operational. Homogeneous is the customers in a market segment should be as similar as possible with respect to their likely responses to marketing mix variables and their segmenting dimensions (Perreault, McCarthy,2004). Substantial criteria is because the segment should be big enough to make a profit (Perreault, McCarthy, 2004). The last criterion for the Me-Can-x game is operational which means that the segmenting division should be useful in identifying customers and great at deciding on marketing variables (Perreault, McCarthy, 2004).


Breaking down the segments of the Me-Can-x game leaves two sections to look at; the two segments are behavioral and demographic. Looking at the behavioral segment we can look at thoughts, rate of use, brand familiarity, looking into these things will tell us how people will respond to the game, how often they will use it and how important of a role the Wii name plays in the actual sell of the product. The final segment that will need to be covered is demographic. This is very important information because it will tell us the age and sex of many of the users of the Wii, it will tell us if families are playing the Wii together, and it will tell us what kind of class are purchasing the Wii so we will be able to price the product so that people from all walks of life are able to afford the new game. Assuming that we use this information properly the launch of the new Me-Can-x game should be successful and should keep the interest of the users and may even leave a place for an entire collection of Me-Can-x for the Wii.

Positioning and Differentiating

Nintendo has experienced huge financial success with the Wii gaming system and it is important to clearly differentiate the new Me-Can-X game from the product of other competitors. This should allow Nintendo, which is the oldest, largest and most renowned company in console manufacturing, to obtain a competitive advantage. Positioning is the strategy used to impart the Wii-Can-X and with a distinct and unique identity (Kerin, Berkowitz, Hartley and Rudelius, ...
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