Market Segmentation

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Critically Evaluate the Role of Market Segmentation

Critically Evaluate the Role of Market Segmentation


The market segmentation is can be defined as the process of subdividing the market in to the divergent subsets of the consumers that behaving in the similar manner or having the comparable needs (Yankelovich & Meer, 2006). The subset is can be convince ably be chosen as the target market to reached with the distinctive strategy of marketing. The purpose of this paper is to review critically the existing literature actual segmentation practices to provide the critical review of the relevant studies.


Market segmentation is proves that is identifying the target demographic and deterring the best medium of adverting to reach over the audience. Emergent a focused approach of marketing can raise the market profits and able to raise the return of marketing investment, according to the Center of the preparation market website. This is recognize that the significance of market segmentation that you start on to appreciate the worth of accurate the campaign of marketing.

Black berry strategic marketing planning process

Strategic marketing is the planning process that is seeking to establish a clear direction and the unified purpose for all the efforts of marketing. It's documented and the in a plan of marketing that is consistently upgraded. The five steps in the strategic marketing are: mission identification; analyzing the situation; setting the objectives, marketing strategy development and the evaluation planning.


The first step is strategic marketing is to articulating the excuse for why the undertaking exists and how it can benefit the target buyers over the lifelong. Specifically, this mission statement is expected to anticipating the future and describing the ongoing role for the product of organization, expertise or service. The mission of the blackberry is to provide the continuing the innovation in transporting the globalization.

Analysis of Situation

Organization conduct an analysis of examination, otherwise called a SWOT, to assess strength, opportunities, weakness and threats. This second stage in the strategic marketing process helping the managers understand the resources they can expand and the challenges that they face. Both strength and weakness are the internal factors. Under the company's control, Case in point, an exceptional picture in the design press might be a nexus quality for a dress maker, while an underprivileged association with apparel retailers might be a shortcoming. Opportunities and the threats arise from the external environment, like a stronger economy or the new payroll taxes.

Black berry unique capabilities overt their software have made much easy and effective for the customers to access over their software and to make those customers lives much easier (Hempel, 2010). The software is updates is not hassles because the device itself the signals the user that there is an updating and all they have to do just touching button and upgrade directly their devices.


The third step in the strategic marketing is to setting the objectives of the targets market. There are the clear and measurable objectives that give decision makers a premise for ...
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