Market Research

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Market Research Brief & Proposal

[Name of the Institute]

Part I: Market Research Brief1

Market & Strategic Overview1



Suggested Approach & Research Targets2

Reporting Requirements3



Part II: Proposal4



Method - Research Design6

Primary Research6

Quantitative & Qualitative Research7

Secondary Research7

Data Collection8


Data Analysis9

Method - Sample10


Concluding Remarks13

References14Market Research Brief & Proposal

Part I: Market Research Brief

Market & Strategic Overview

The market of mobile phones is facing extremely tough competition. Innovation is taking place in this market at an extremely rapid pace as a result of enormous investments in the Research & Development region of this market. The concept of Phonebloks was introduced by a Dutchman, Dave Hakkens. The main idea behind this mobile phone is that it is made up of different blocks. These blocks can be replaced or upgraded depending upon the customer requirements ( Its manufacturers are looking to get the feedback and opinions of general public regarding the development of the phone. This strategy will help the manufacturers of the phone to develop the phone in accordance with the demands of its potential users. As Phonebloks is not a product of any renowned firm, the product does not have a brand image. However, the concept of the product is a new and innovative one. This concept has the tendency to attract masses of mobile users towards this new product. Additionally, as this product is not manufactured by any famous firm, its initial and introductory price will be reasonable in order to attract the majority. Presently, this product is getting manufactured in Netherlands. However, its launch will get spread out to further regions.


Typically, firms of mobile phones get their products secretly developed. After its completion, the firms launch the product. Input is not taken from the people who have to use these phones. Phonebloks has adopted the strategy to get people involved right from the beginning. Phonebloks encourage people to provide feedback, share their ideas and work together so that they get a product in accordance with their requirements ( Phonebloks is an innovative smartphone which is made up detachable bloks. Its parts can be upgraded or replaced in accordance with the requirements of customers. Our firm has taken the decision to gauge the reactions of their potential customers to the new concept of their mobile phone. This exercise will be carried out in order to help the firm launch this innovative mobile phone.


The objectives of this research include:

To clarify the attitudes of customers towards the new concept of Phonebloks

To get insight into the behaviour and demand of consumers targeted by Phonebloks

To find out which parts of the mobile phones customers frequently wish to upgrade or replace

Suggested Approach & Research Targets

This market research will be based on a mixed research methodology. It will include primary as well as secondary research that will be descriptive in nature (Henson, 2010, p. 231). Additionally, both qualitative and quantitative methods will be used for the purpose of analysing data. Qualitative research will analyse the data collected from secondary sources in an in-depth manner. Quantitative research will allow a robust and statistical analysis of data ...
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