Market Launch Of Columbian Dark

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Market Launch of Columbian Dark

Market Launch of Columbian Dark


Beanisimo Coffee is a well reputed organization dealing in different types of coffees and espressos. It boasts of having a premium variety of espressos and coffees. The management at Beanisimo Coffee has looked to employ the recipes of Italian chefs as the Italian industry in terms of Coffee has been known to be pretty successful. Thus, the management at Beanisimo Coffee reaps rich benefits by successfully employing recipes of Italian chefs. We would look to develop a new variety of coffee that could augment the earlier varieties of Coffee. Clearly, there has been a rising popularity of Coffee lovers over the years and we would look to take advantage of this opportunity by successfully introducing new varieties of Coffee. Customers get bored with the same old varieties of Coffee and thus need to be attracted with different varieties that seem to stimulate their interest (Harrington, & Ottenbacher, 2013).


Keys to Success

Beanisimo Coffee has acknowledged the use of three success factors that have significantly contributed to the success of this coffee house. First of all, the management of Beanisimo Coffee looks to develop the finest and high quality coffee that leaves the customer highly satisfied. There is no compromise on the quality of coffee and an extensive effort is undertaken in order to successfully present the customer with the finest coffee so that he should not have any qualms on the aspect of its quality or taste. Another aim of the management of Beanisimo Coffee is to develop the enterprise as a customer centric organization that has the processes and resources in place to successfully supersede customer expectation. Until the customer expectations are not satisfied, we would be unable to make our organization a customer centric organization. All our energies are devoted towards addressing the customer expectations. The last success factor pertains to implementing strict financial controls. With the implementation and expansion of strict financial controls, we would be able to ensure fiscal success for our organization.

Target Market Segments

The management of Beanisimo Coffee has looked to identify three unique customer segments that will be pursued upon in the future. The first set of market segment targeted by Beanisimo is the different coffee houses, espresso suppliers and drive thru establishments. This specific segment has been known to have a healthy growth rate of 7% and thus provides ample potential for our organization. The second group consists of the different restaurants that also enjoy a substantial growth rate of 8%. The last customer segment group likely to be used by our organization is the different grocery stores that sell raw beans to their customers. This segment is characterized by a 7% growth rate. All these segments have a huge market potential for our organization and thus we would look to take advantage from these segments (Klimchuk, & Krasovec, 2013).


Beanisismo Coffee has been credited for providing its customers with a diverse range of blended and roasted coffees. Since the blending of different coffee beans ...