Market Expansion And Diversification

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Market Expansion and Diversification

What are you investigating and why?

The market as a whole lives in constant change. Change to the ways to produce, resources, technologies, always seeking to achieve a level of excellence higher than that previously achieved. Justification for this constant evolution can be divided into two major parts: the first directed to consumer demand, which seeking qualified and innovative products that meet their needs and desires.

The second depicts the fierce competition that the market presence, where globalization is primarily responsible, since companies are benefited by the rapidity with which technologies are passed, which causes increased production, with reductions in prices, thus enabling meet a greater share of the market. However, globalization has its side effects presented by the growing competition as the market is now no more regional but global. As companies compete with other from around the world, only those that have a differential survive in this market (Gabrielsson, & Pelkonen, 2008).

What models or theories does this investigate?

A little time to send to stores the new iPhones, Apple is looking for creative and plans to expand its marketing department. The idea is that brand advertising is made more 'in-house'.

According to Creativity Online , Apple is increasing considerably the design group. An executive quoted by the website admits that the group may double the size from 300 to 500 to 600. The place will be a major shift in Apple: Steve Jobs, CEO until August 2011, had a very strict policy for this group wished to retain always small.

The group has not grown in proportion to the astronomical growth of the company, and this was due in part to the fact that Steve Jobs want Apple to be seen as a product company, not marketing.

Apple had already begun to hire marketing executives with experience ...
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