Market Entry Plan

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Market Entry Plan

Market Entry Plan


China over the last two decades have seen an economic boom and today tends to serve as the one of the most attractive markets in the world. Different companies have invested in china due to its economic picture, government policies and more significantly the size of its market. The potential which the china tends to present to the world is exemplary and in order to strength the foot holdings in such a huge and attractive market Beijing tends to be ideal. Beijing being the capital of china tends to act as a gauge for the product. In other words it is the Beijing that would dictate the terms for any company to adopt the appropriate policies to match with the culture of the china (Damian & David 2010, p. 198). However, in the context of this paper we tend to shed light on Beijing as the appropriate market for the First Touch Technologies (FTT). First Touch Technologies tends to develop and markets ICT space management solutions for businesses, educational institutions, and other organizations. This is done in order to develop a better understanding of the subject.



As highlighted in the course of the paper that Beijing serves as the capital of China and is considered or rendered as one of the most populous cities of the world. Its Population tends to stand at 19,612,368 as per the figures of 2010.However; the metropolitan city of china is located in the northern part of it. Beijing tends to serve the china as being under the direct control of the national government. However, it tends to be a municipality with such dimensions. Beijing is further attached to 14 urban along with sub urban districts. Beijing also stretches itself to inculcate the two rural counties in its fold. Beijing as per today stands to be the second largest city of the most populous country in the world. Thus, the dynamics to explore the market and the potential of the market tends to be exemplary. Despite of holding a great urban population in its fold Beijing has been the home of China's educational, political and cultural wing. Beijing tends to hold the headquarters of the major state owned companies along with the other bigger companies serving and competing in the market of the China (Gregory 2007, p.18).

Since Beijing is located in the northern part of the county thus its terrain tends to be elevated as far as the North West part is concerned and enjoys a low terrain when it comes to south east part of the ground. Like any other capital city of the Country, Beijing too inculcates a wide array of population into its fold when it comes to ethnic groups. The residents of the city tend to hail from different ethnic groups which tend to reside in the country. However, the population of Beijing tends to be divided into 56 ethnic groups which formulate the picture of the ...
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