Market Analysis Of Phytomedicine Uk

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Market Analysis of Phytomedicine UK

Table of Contents

Chapter One: Introduction3

Chapter One: Introduction3

Purpose of the Study3

Problem Statement3

Background of the Problem3

Research Question4

Aims and Ob?ectives of the Study4


Significance of the Study5

Chapter Two: Literature Review7

Definition of Phyto-medicines7


European Roots of Phytotherapy12

Chapter Three: Methodology14

Sample Size Definition15


Regional Differences and Trends17

The Market Situation in Europe19

Registration Status Of Phyto-medicines In Europe21

The Growth Rate of Phyto-medicines in Europe24

Phyto-medicines in United Kingdom25

Changes in The Phyto-medicine Industry26

Current Obstacles and Opportunities28

Chapter Five: Conclusion48


Chapter One: Introduction

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to perform market analysis of Phyto-medicines (especially of anxiety medicine, digestive aids, liver tonics and wound healing) in United Kingdom as compared to other geographical regions.

Problem Statement

What is the market value of phyto-medicine in the United Kingdom as well as other regions?

Background of the Problem

Phyto-medicine has gained popularity in UK in recent past. It is mostly regarded with some scepticism by western academic medicine, because: 1. phyto-medicine represents a holistic approach pointing to the whole human body, whilst western science and medicine is focused on mechanisms. Rather than analysis of the patient in entirety, it is only the disease that is analysed at the cellular, molecular, and pharmacological level. 2. Scientific evidence of efficacy and safety is mostly missing, and quality management needs to be improved.

Faked phyto-medicine preparations on the market further weaken the reputation of phyto-medicine in the scientific community outside China. On the other side, prominent examples of isolated therapeutics derived from Chinese herbs are established in modern medicine without being treated with the same reluctance as traditional herbal products.

Among them are the ion channel blocker tetrandrine (Stephania tetrandra), the CNS stimulator ephedrine (Ephedra sinica), the anti-malarial artemisinin (Artemisia annua), and the well-known anticancer agents camptothecin from Camptotheca acuminata or paclitaxel from Taxus chinensis. Currently, there is a tremendous interest in the western world in phyto-medicine. The export of phyto-medicine products from China to Europe results in annual sales of US 180 million. The considerable attractiveness of phyto-medicine during the past years raised the interest of phytochemists and pharmaceutical biologists to investigate the pharmacological basis of phyto-medicine.

Research Question

Is the market value of phyto-medicine same in the United Kingdom as well as other regions?

Aims and Ob?ectives of the Study

The aim of this pro?ect is to find out:

The market value of Phyto-medicine in the United Kingdom.

To compare its value with other regions as well.


The basis of this study is controlled, randomised clinical trials to provide practice of Phyto-medicine. The Support of international collaborations of universities and pharmaceutical companies with scientists and clinicians worldwide shall also be taken into account for finding its value. The Basic pharmacological research shall be to establish a scientific platform on the activity of medicinal products. This study shall be carried out for Toxicological screening to monitor toxic side effects.

Significance of the Study

A great variety of herbs are utilised for medicinal treatments. Either the dried herb, or a specific part of it (root, leaves, fruit, flowers, seeds), is formulated into suitable preparations — compressed as tablets or made into pills, ...