Markeaton Park

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Markeaton Park

[Name of the Institute]Markeaton Park


Markeaton Park at present is facing a number of issues. Building developments will contribute Pounds 185,857 towards work to improve Markeaton Park. Developers including Clowes and Radleigh have paid the city money as part of agreements made when planning permission was given on certain schemes in the city. As part of the work, the council will be consulting on the plans, what improvements are needed and the type of activities that should be provided. The historic core of Markeaton Park will form the focus of improvement works which could cost Pounds 3 million. Derby City Council is putting together proposals for how the popular space should be adapted, updated and managed to draw in more visitors.

They haven't seen any work on this scale done to the park in decades. Key to its success is ensuring the buildings, such as the craft village, orangery and historic gardens, are given proper prominence. Andrew Morgan, landscape and development officer, said: "Within that historic core, they are planning to restore the orangery, which is not in a good condition at the moment, and we are looking to restore that. They want to retain the cafe that is there. The changing rooms and toilets in the building they are proposing to close and relocate the toilets to a new block in the stable courtyard. That area will become a community room and rangers office with the possibility of another craft unit in there.

The idea is that the space will be able to be used by people visiting the park to find out more about it and by school groups. A circular path around the park would also be created so that people could appreciate all of the natural parkland. The existing footway cuts through the park instead. Areas will also be set aside within the park for outdoor performances. There used to be dances in the park and a temporary bandstand so the people could see a return to that sort of use. The council also sees the stable yard as a space for more craft fairs and other outdoor events and small theatre performances. The Mundy Play Centre does not form part of the council's plans. However, on the other hand, it does want to make the brook more visible by moving some play equipment to the other side of it and putting in a new footpath alongside it. That will mean people parking in the Mundy car park will not have to cut through the play area to access the main park. This will open up the brook, which at the moment is hidden behind the play area. It also allows us to refurbish the play equipment, which is tired. The details of the master plan are still being finalised but it will be used to try to attract Pounds 2.4 million of Heritage Lottery Fund money. The city council would then put in some of its own money, gained from developers through agreements on building projects, to put up the budget to Pounds 3 million. The bid will be submitted in August and some listed planning consent may be needed before work can begin.

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This section discusses the aims and objectives of the Markeaton Park. The aims and objectives play an important role in the growth and development of a business. The vision and mission of the company will help them to provide it with a competitive advantage. The core goal of entertainment and leisure is to help other people by supporting and guiding them so that ...
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