Mario Case Study

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Mario Case Study

Case Study


An illegal alien from the Mexico and lives in the US from the last five years and working in the construction company. As a case worker of Mario is would first going to know about the patient needs under the heading of Maslow hierarchy and determine the reason to attempt such illegal crime to move without a visa at US and start construction Job over there. In this case study I will get information in three brief session by using Rehabilitate approach to find the real reason of course for Mario. Initial priority is to use clinical communication and maintain friendly environment to make feel him safe while asking about critical question such as step to move US from Mexico. It was gathered that Family background is considered is the major reason that Mario takes such steps in order to support his family and choosing an illegal way for moving US from Mexico is suggested his poor family background. He is suggested to work hard in his native country in the construction industry, where he has the experience and move ahead.

Personal information

In case of Mario who was the illegal alien from Mexico and lives in the United States form last 5 years by earning their livelihood after working in different construction companies. As the case worker, it was my first duty to get personal information of patient to determine the reason why he performs such illegal step that ruined his life. To collect personal information, I will follow Maslow hierarchy needs because it is one of the most effective methodologies that begins from the individual psychological needs to self-actualization needs.

The first and foremost information is required from the Mario is to be known psychological need of him that why he take the wrong step to work as an illegal alien in the United States. To known about the family background I will have to make contact with his family and ask them about my patient and their background. Although this is determined that Family background does have the major impact on individual decision such as suffering with poor financial condition that family suffered in their native country. Most of them fleeing economic oppression, poverty and unemployment. Although it was suggested that number of people does take the wrong step to work in US without Visa because of better economic condition. This is despising the fact that, United Sates still offers the more opportunities to the poor people from the other countries.

As far safety concern, this is determining that every single individual prefer that his/her life should be secure. Safety includes the physical safety such as protective clothing as well as to have protection against unemployment. I will go to get some answered from the colleagues of Mario and ask them whether he felt Mario. Their answered will be helpful for me to analyze him closely.

In case of Mario, he does not meet his family from last five years due to work illegally in the United ...