Marijuana And Memory

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Marijuana and Memory

Marijuana and Memory


Marijuana is a kind of plant, dry in nature, tattered, and brownish green in color. It has leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the hemp plant known as “Cannabis sativa.” The chief chemical in marijuana is “delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).” This chemical causes psychoactive, mind altering disorder. It is a widespread illegitimate drug used often in the US. Since 2007, mainly young people have increased its use. Most young people have started in taking marijuana instead of cigarettes, which is even more hazardous to mental health (NIH, 2012).

The intensity of THC in marijuana accessible in the US has boosted by 250% since researches of the consequences of marijuana on short-term memory initially emerged in scientific investigations. In addition, former researches of short-term memory in frequent marijuana smokers engaged adolescents merely (Schwartz,, 1989).


Modern culture of adolescents adopts the concept that marijuana as a secure drug in taken during leisure time or as an entertainment. Because its availability is not so costly and rare, that's why its use has increased in young people. This practice has been assessed since the past three decades, conducting several different researches and investigations and illustrating more or less identical results. This brief overview of the marijuana perception among adolescence is to show people about a specific characteristic of present marijuana use, i.e. its use in adults starting from an early age of 12 - 13 years. This practice tends to confront the concept that marijuana is a compassionate drug or that it provides secure and entertainment activity for adults to involve in.

Social Features of Marijuana

Research has emphasized on the social features of marijuana use and illustrates the argument about methods to the prevention in drug's use and impairment diminution. In this context, there has been less scientific evidence regarding the health and social influence of marijuana in adults. Marijuana is commonly inhaled and its dynamic element THC is transported to an adult's lungs in a smoke deferral. This smoke is not filtered, frequently contains noxious waste, and also contains others psychoactive components. In contrast with a cigarette, it is not compassionate, and if contemporary notion is to be assumed, the effectiveness of TCH in recent production of marijuana is much intense as compared to the former productions of this drug (Tonkin, 2002).

Effects of Marijuana on Perception, Behavior, and Memory

There are harmful effects on perception, attention, learning, and memory of regular and long-term marijuana ...
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