Marianist Values

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Marianist Values

Marianist Values

The Marianists (Society of Mary) is a Roman Catholic religious order of men who founded Chaminade University as St. Louis Junior College in 1955. They have been bearers of the Catholic and Marianist traditions in their educational efforts since they first arrived in the Hawaiian Islands in 1883.

They live in a community of equals, brothers and priests, modeling the Spirit of Mary, the mother of Jesus and witness to Christ's transforming presence on campus. There are over 20 Marianists brothers and priests who live in three separate community houses on the campus. Some of the brothers serve the University as administrators, professors, campus ministers, and more. Additionally some of the brothers serve St. Louis School, a school for young men grades 5-12 also on our campus. Some of our brothers are in active retirement and can still be seen helping out in various ministries on campus.

Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, founder of the society of Mary, established schools as the most effective way to change the world in the spirit of the Gospel. Currently, there are several Marianist priests and brothers who are ministering as faculty, staff or board members of VASJ.

Marianist Sesquicentennial - 2006 commemorated the Sesquicentennial observance of the presence of the Society of Mary (Marianists) in Cleveland, Ohio. The Marianists of Cleveland celebrated these 150 years on “Chaminade Day” to also honor Blessed William Joseph Chaminade, Founder of the Marianists.

The Marianists have had a combined 55-year presence at St. Joseph/VASJ High School.

Characteristics of Marianist Education

Primary to the religious community of the Society of Mary is the spiritual foundation of imaging Mary, the Mother of God, who at God's initiative gave birth to and nourished Jesus. The examples of responding to God's direction and nurturing are core values of Marianist characteristics. Applied to education, this spiritual focus is reflected in the five Characteristics of Marianist Education below.

Educate for Formation in Faith

Marianist affiliated schools are asked to bear witness with a personal and committed faith that touches the heart. The school should promote a faith-and-culture dialogue, which illuminates reality from the perspective of the Gospel. All educational and extracurricular programs should attempt to form students in the Gospel's values and Christian attitudes.

Marianist affiliated schools should educate in a free and responsible style which elicits a personal response of faith. The school should bear witness with faithful commitment to the Church that makes the Gospel credible today and in the future. Lastly, the school should make present the example and influence of Mary as the first disciple and as an educator in faith.

Provide an Integral, Quality Education

In the Marianist tradition, the school should promote quality education of the whole person. This means that VASJ as a Marianist affiliate school should provide coherent curricula; a well formed professional administration, faculty and staff; and adequate facilities and finances for quality programming.

All aspects of the school programming should develop respect for the dignity of the person as a daughter or son of God, unique and ...