Managing Tourism At The Old Town Of Lijiang

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Managing tourism at the old town of Lijiang

Managing tourism at the old town of Lijiang


The cultural heritage tourism is the primary sources for foreign income for Lijiang as it is one of the biggest attractions for international and global. But on the other hand likewise to a coin that has dual sides, Cultural Heritage Tourism is actually a controversial entity. Due to tourism being a lot like a dual edge sword, prominently in aspects of maintaining culture and heritage, Cultural Heritage Tourism can have as a consequence adverse effects in the area of developing much like dark overcastted shadows that never leaves, this is actually the case regardless of the fact that it has caused the overall economic profits of the town to increase significantly.

Due to rapidly paced economy growth and higher socially developing factors have been achieved, during the period of development of tourism in many heritages of cultural landmarks. There exist some social issues in the form of pressure and environmental hazards that follow such growth.

Taking few of the destinations as an example, the locally unique features that could be in hazard of extinction and severely adverse impacts to the domestic communities and residing population have also been increasingly getting discouraged to stay or reside at the town permanently due to the over presence of tourists.

There have not even been arrangement or development of policies which would discourage or restrict unethical practices or action as that some of the operators execute by exploiting the cultural value and assets of Lijiang that could be leading towards to destruction of the values created by people living in this town and may lead to loosing of the essence of the real culture of these assets and can elicit conflicts with the local administration or residents who are custodians of the traditions sacred to the Lijiang community. Current Situation in Lijiang

The economic investment in the infrastructure and other facilities like construction of roads, better facilities for tourists and other temples and traditional artwork has been very active after the 1996 earthquake.

Several latest buildings, updated , and high tech facilities for the tourists, newer and better roads and other relevant infrastructure has been initiated at Lijiang city. There are also rich resources explored for tourism. A lot of modernized hotels and accommodation services have developed hostels for families which is well known in the older city region. The tourism industrial sector actually relies on rivers and water for supporting scenery streams and also to generate hydropower in Lijiang city for electricity and power and also they are considered as a historical site for tourists.

Even though the emergence of the tourism development has allowed the city to reap considerable profits it is still of concern that such development could lead to severe ecological damage and issues with people living in the poorer regions have started to face a lot of problems due to the environmental damage and are eventually forced to move to urban ...