Managing Professional Development

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Managing Professional Development

Managing Professional Development

In this assignment, I will present my knowledge and skill regarding emotional intelligence. In this regard I have conducted two tests which include Multiple Intelligences Test - based on Howard Gardner's MI Model and Balbin self-perception inventory, negotiation skills and learning skills, for my personal emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is considered as a new and growing concept related to behaviour investigation which is gaining attention with time.

Howard Gardner's MI Model

When I conducted this test and according to the results which described my intelligence type were as follows:


My stongest area of intelligence test is bering interpersonal.This intelligence type is related to the emotional intelligence concept of self-awareness. It also helps in understanding oneself more clearly and understand relation wit he world. Self-awareness is described as our feeling, the reason for feeling it, and it serves as a good way of decision-making and developing intuition (Goleman, 2001). In this time of great and constant changes in all spheres of our existence in which we are required to be prepared to deal, since these changes every day are greater, faster, more violent, more traumatic, more linked to environment of great uncertainty


Another strongest area of my intelligence is interpersonal. This intelligence type is related to create empathy in me as I am able to understand other people situation well and it will be easy for me to determine why a person can act in an uncertain way. Many educators, HR professional, leaders, counsellors etc. have this intelligence type (Goleman, 2001).

Empathy includes communicating with them which include understanding feelings, asking questions and becoming a good listener, differentiating between what someone does and comparing them with one's own or judgment about it. This emotional ability may be a predictor of an individual's success more so than cognitive ability.


This intelligence types helps me to understand music well and helps me in understanding musical tones and understand sounds and how I fell after hearing them. This intelligence type is possessed by singers, musicians, party planners etc. I am proud that I have the capability of understanding this intelligence. This also create my self-awareness by understanding well (Gardner, Stough, 2002).


This intelligence type is based providing the control of the body and mind. It also describes that I can coordinate eyes and body at a time. This intelligence type is also present in many demonstrators, dancers, artists, athletes, actors etc. It is based physical experience and movement which enables me perform physical tasks actively and flexibly.


This intelligence type demonstrates developing spatial and visual perceptions. It also helps in creating and interpreting visual images. Many artists, cartoonists, designers etc. have this intelligence type. I can select any of these profession. Leading oneself comes before to leading others. I can be good at developing pictures and able to explain well a situation as many leaders are able to convince others.


Linguistic describes that I am able to understand language and words easily. I am also able to interpret word and ideas form different language. Emotional intelligence concept is also related ...
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