Managing Performance In Operations

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Managing Performance in Operations

Table of Contents


Operation Management1

Important Facets of Operation Management2

Factors for Managing Performance in Operations3

Process Perspective of Operations Management4

Main Factors That Influence The Choice Of A Manufacturing/ Service Process5

Production and Operations Strategy5

Process Description6

Planning Activity: Production Program7

Resources Needed (Raw Materials /Auxiliary and Energy)7

Costs of Production7

Quality Control7

Measures of Safety / Occupational Health and Safety8

Environmental Factors8

Principles Of The Project Management Discipline That Aids in Introducing Changes to the Process8

Today's Operation Management Environment12

Operations Strategy12



Speed of Delivery13


Frameworks for Operations Management14

Porter's Value Chain14

Operations Mix15

Measuring Quality Management16

Quality Management Schemes17

The Six-Sigma Approach: A widely practiced benchmark17



Managing Performance in Operations


The sophistication in the business arena and the proper identification, development and management of the respective operations or processes is the endowment of the modern world. Trade existed even in prehistoric times, in accordance to the understanding of the specs of trade of the individuals of those times, and with respect to their broadened horizons. However, History entails that the mankind belonging to the earliest times were not embroiled in the minor sophistications of trade, and would not take in account every aspect of this phenomenon and the effect it entails on the business (Barnes, 2008, pp. 348).

However, as time passed mankind progresses and advanced, the horizons had started to broaden, and the concept of business and trade, out of the respective borders started to emerge, and most importantly when the concept of competition and outdoing this competition took a toll, it was when the sophistication had become an integral part of the business processes and procedures. The management of each major or small enterprise has started giving every aspect and domain of the business arena, its due attention and recognition, and as a result, new phenomenon and notions in the business and management of that business had started to emerge.

Operation Management

What the consumers receive in markets are the end products or the final services; seldom do they know how that the product attains the final shape, and through what stages does the material go before taking the eventual shape of the final product. Operations management, on a broader panorama, takes in to account, or denotes the overall sound working and better evolving integral operations of the firm. the provision which the operation management encompasses, range from the initial step to the final, which means every aspect is catered, right from the strategic approach, to the manufacturing specs, and the acquisition of the final good by the end consumers. Operations management relates to the internal processing of the operations, rather than dealing with the external facets (Kamauff, 2009, pp.3).

Important Facets of Operation Management

The primary and essential facets of operation management revolve around are plans and proposals of the products, the supply chains, services and the appropriate processes. Operation management takes into account the attainment, formulation, and the utilization or employment of the appropriate resources, which are critical for the firm, in order to deliver the goods, or render the desired services to their respective customers and clients.

As discussed earlier, the provision of the operation management ...
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