Managing Performance

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Managing Performance at Mister A Restaurant

Managing Performance at Mister A Restaurant


There are several measures that are adapted by an organization in order to manage the performance of the resource working in an organization. The measures adapted to manage performance of an organization must be adequately selected in order to highlight the performance of an organization and the factors hindering performance. The purpose of this paper is to discuss and highlight different characteristics that are associated with managing performance at Mister A Restaurant. Restaurant industry offers products along with services to its customers. Hence, the performance management system to be implemented in a restaurant is a bit diversified than a performance management system applicable in other industries; especially, the manufacturing sector.

Mister A Restaurant is one of the finest restaurants of the United Kingdom. Mister A Restaurant assures excellence in quality of services it provides along with the products that it offers. Mister A Restaurant offers tasty food and wonderful ambiance that makes it a fine place to hang out with family. There are several strategies and measures adapted by Mister A Restaurant in order to manage the performance of the organization and the workforce associated with it. Mister A Restaurant acknowledges its resource as one of its finest asserts; hence, the performance management is one of the vital approaches adapted by the organization in order to achieve competitive advantage.

Role of the First Line Manager in Performance Management

At Mister A Restaurant performance management system applied in an organization is supervised and regulated by the first line manager. The line manager of Mister A Restaurant carries different roles and responsibilities that are part of his job description at Mister A Restaurant. The input of first line manager while designing an effective performance management system is essential as he is the one responsible for its implementation and regulation in an organization. There are different roles that are performed by the first line manager while executing performance management at Mister A Restaurant. The roles and strategies adapted by the first line manager in order to measure and manage performance of Mister A Restaurant are discussed below (Burnes, 2000, 12-56).

Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is one of the roles performed by the first line manager at Mister A Restaurant. Employee engagement is an approach in which the line manager interacts with the workforce at Mister A Restaurant in order to enhance communication. In addition, another purpose of employee engagement is to supervise the practices adapted by the employees while performing their duties at the workplace. The line manager at Mister A Restaurant is responsible for formulating different teams that are aligned together in order to accomplish common objectives. Employee engagement approach adapted by the line manager of Mister A Restaurant is one of the key strategies to record employee response and feedback regarding current performance of the organization. The data gathered through survey is often disregarded by the line manager at Mister A Restaurant; because, he believes that employee engagement is one of the suitable approaches through ...
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