Managing People In Organisations (Mpo)

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Managing People in Organisations (MPO)

Managing People in Organisations (MPO)


People management is a term alternatively known as Human resource management. As suggested by the title, people management has under its umbrella the recruitment and selection of candidates as well as management and providing ongoing support to current employees. Said support can be in various forms, such as compensation, hiring, performance issues and performance management, organizational development and safety, wellness, welfare, benefits and employee motivation. People management in several organizations also arranges and takes care of training, communication hierarchy, and administration and employee satisfaction issues. In managing employees within an organization, it is necessary for the manager to focus on certain issues such as hiring the right candidates out of a pool of hopefuls. This is then followed by ensuring the potential the hired candidates bring to the organization can be fully utilized. Some organizations cannot fulfill this task and employees remain on the same level they started out as for a long time. This results in employee dissatisfaction and de-motivation.

New personnel are expected to perform at their level best as well, and if some seem to be having a harder time than others, people management principles dictate that concerned authorities find out the reason why. Organizational management must ensure they look ahead to what new employees can bring to make the achievement of organizational goals a reality. Apart from this, getting employees to reach further to achieve their potential also indirectly relates to people management policies and the corporate culture of an organization. In this paper, I will be analyzing different aspects of people management in organizations, and focus on one contemporary issue being worked upon in the business environment.


My chosen organization for the task of assessing contemporary people management issues is Apple Incorporated Apple originated as the brainchild of Steve Jobs, Stephen Wozniak and Ronald Wayne in early 1976. The first Apple computer came about one year later and by 1980 had managed to generate 100 million dollars for its owners. Through the company, the threesome introduced the Macintosh, which was ground-breaking at the time for being the first personal computer with a mouse. Although the Macintosh failed in the beginning, later versions began to show a lot of improvement and with time, it became a luxury for one to be in possession of a Mac computer. The innovative iPod, iMac, iPhone and various other products have also had a strong hand in launching the company to great heights, and it is largely believed that it was the phenomenal ideas of Steve Job that made Apple what it is today. However, with the recently deceased Jobs out of the picture, it seems as though Apple's future is threatened.

Apple products are known for their minimalistic design, long life, innovation, uniqueness and futuristic development. Although each organization has an individualistic culture, some manage to perform its functions in a more expansive manner, thus generating a positive climate of success, while some do not end up ...