Managing People

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Managing People

Managing People


Managing employees should be the very first priority of the manager or a supervisor at a workplace. It is understood that managing people at work is the key to success for an organization as it allows employees to attain the objectives of a business. The employees in a workplace should be managed and treated effectively to make most of their strengths and skills in favor of the success of the business or attainment of goals. Adequate management of people at work lead to the proper engagement of employees in their work, motivate them to work with complete focus and develop the skills of employees very well along with retention of skillful employees (Heathfield, S. M., n.d., pp. 1).

The need for managing people at workplace is obvious and some of the main reasons behind it are lack of confidence of members of board or lack of commitment towards work, same issues experienced by managers at their respective departments, the main mission and vision of organization is not followed properly or does not match the daily operations, bad planning of meetings or inappropriate way of conducting meetings to coordinate with employees or inadequate way of recording these meetings, non clear organizational structure or decision making process implemented in an organization, employees are not communicated adequately about their job role and responsibilities, managers lack skills of dealing with unsatisfied employees and rectify their performance at work or help in correcting or developing appositive attitude towards work, the inadequate or non organized administrative department activities that instead of settling down the issues in organization make it more worst, the financial management and internal controls are not adequately implemented or managed, the authorized persons in an organization lack skills and interest in dealing with distorted issues faced by employees or do not address these issues properly or try to resolve it, the organization does not take interest in following its mission, vision or strategy and focus on tactics or technique of working only.


The most important task of every manager in an organization should be to manage people, which is also one of the most difficult tasks. In order to manage people at work the manager should be able to influence, instigate, lead, train, and animate people to work towards same goal in an appropriate manner. Hiring, firing, maintain discipline, and evaluating employees at work is all part of this process. In an effort to manage people at work, the authorized person should possess several skills such as good sense of understanding the issue in depth, sensitive, practical, confident, just, and adequate managerial works in all fields of job. The personnel management is made up of some essential elements, which are described as below:

Clarification of organizational policies and procedures.

Making sure that all employees are adequately trained, monitored, recruited, and helped out.

Making sure that all employees are part of team.

Making sure all employees are cleared and properly communicated about their job responsibilities and assigned tasks.

Assisting employees to surpass and cope up with the ...
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