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People Management in GCC Region

People Management in GCC Region


The term people management is used interchangeably with the Human resource management, which means to manage the inflow, outflow and management of people in a way that their issues are as much minimized as they could be.

The issues related to HRM, or people management may include high turnover rate, cultural diversity, low pay rates, inadequate hiring, problem with the hiring practices, training, assessments, implementation of organization wide changes, communication problem (too much noise), problem with the feedback system, to diversified employee personalities, problem with the employee evaluation process, reward system problems, bullying at workplace etc.

While the expectations of the people at the time of working with large organizations are related to high satisfaction levels which arrives through employee commitment programs and opportunities, while organizations are focusing more on the productivity while ignoring such critical things like the employee satisfaction, which result in a large employee turnover, higher absenteeism and poor productivity.

In GCC countries, the issue of people management is comparatively new from the rest of the world. The people employed here are mostly foreigners and are not the permanent residents of these countries, the reasons to which are many.


The issues that arise are related to the problems that one foreigner faces while relocating for work, these issues include employee's expectations from the employer for a paid leave for home, high turnover rate that is mostly experienced due to the cultural issues or the conditions of the country. Some of the other issues include expectations of good working environment while the actual working environment is quite poor than the expected one, most employees while joining reputable organizations are expecting to work under fair working and reward conditions, while expecting simulating and encouraging work environment. A very common issue experienced while managing people in such countries include, dealing with people that differ widely on the basis of their personality types.

As the organizations in GCC employ a large percentage from different countries and different cultures, thus it is not possible that all the workforce are given leaves on their cultural festivals, thus the main issue that mostly experience over here is the lack of satisfaction in employees, due to being pulled back from practicing their cultural festivals in their countries.

Another important phenomenon that is of globalization has emerged rapidly all around the world; it has given rise to many issues regarding the management of people within the GCC countries. The increasing diversity in the workforce as the companies start to expand into different countries all around the world makes it a lot difficult for the HR managers to manage the people, thus resulting in new people management practices (Accenture, 2011, pp.5).

It is important that issues like absenteeism, satisfactory working conditions, employee empowerment, reward systems, psychological contract of employees from the organization; equal employee opportunities etc are addressed in the GCC countries, in order to improve the overall issue of the industry that the industries in GCC are ...
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