Managing Organization: The Case Of Café Direct

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Managing Organization: THE CASE OF CAFÉ DIRECT

Managing Organization: The Case of Café Direct

Managing Organization: The Case of Café Direct


A business enterprise has two essential inputs: human resources and materials. It is a fact that human resource inputs made by people working in the company, who contributes in organizing their time and energy exchange for wages and other tangible and intangible rewards. The resources consist of raw materials and information which processed or used in combination with human resources to provide other resources.

Thus the paper addresses the case of Café direct, the challenges faced to incorporate their bossiness strategy. Café is direct known to be one of the biggest names in traders. Their business expansion based on the model that guides and makes an impact on the people who are searching for a particular cuppa. Café direct has worked with the Triodes' Bank that has helped them in raising a share of nearly £ 6million. They have also worked in partnership with small-scale growers that have led them towards the best quality raw material.Innovation in Business Model

The business model is a basic pillar of competitiveness and sustainability of the business. There are several innovative concepts that we will not stop now to explain. One can prefer to put some concrete examples: Café direct that focuses on the source of income consumers of their services (mobile applications for business management) but these providers (producers of beverages, packaged foods), monetize the information obtained from business and consumption. Other innovators in the business model by dividing all business tasks so that more qualified staff (and more expensive) performs the minimum number of tasks (Bird, 2010, 159-167).


It is necessary to consider that if there is no self-financing will have to find capital for business scalability. Among the various options available that seems to give a greater chance of success called "patient capital" because it allows the growth of the company without the requirements that would make a traditional company.Discussion and Analysis

Since Café direct has succeeded while contributing to the coffee industry its major role for fair trade in UK, it is necessary to acknowledge the ethical claims of this company.The Founding of Café direct

The International Coffee conformity that prohibited the price of coffee beans collapsed in 1989. This causes the price of coffee beans to fall to a third of its pre-1989 level within a few years and had a devastating effect on the incomes of small-scale coffee farmers globally.

Café direct is the UK's largest 100% Fair-trade hot drinks company. They promote their partnership with 260,000 small-holder growers through 37 cooperative organizations in 12 developing countries, helping more than one million people build sustainable futures for their families and communities (Café direct plc, 2009)..

Success of Cafédirect's Brand

Café direct is a brand that comes under the umbrella of creamy coffee. Café direct has its origins in Brazil and has been around for about eighty years. Since then it has become one of the most popular coffee brands of the world. The products range from the Café direct Classic, to the newer Café direct ...
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