Managing International Talent

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Managing International Talent in a Highly Decentralized Multinational Enterprise

Managing International Talent in a Highly Decentralized Multinational Enterprise


The paper is prepared in order to articulate the case study “Managing International Talent in A Highly Decentralised Multinational Enterprise,” in which European Building Material Company has been discussed with respect to its business strategies in the international industry. Several questions will be answered in the later part of the paper, in which the staffing approaches will be discussed with the high utilization of host country nationals. However talking a little about European Buildings Materials Company, it formed in the year 1970, and since then it consistently focussed on the business development approach along with the path towards growth, having its strong emphasizes on the outcomes and the efficient performance. The company has its main growth due to the success in the merger and acquisition strategy involving the cross border company, which included the products and the region. The company succeeded because of its remarkable performances over the past decades, which witnessed it by making it global leader within the industry. However, due to the global recession in the last two years there have been less emphasis on riskier acquisitions and more of a focus on operational and commercial competiveness.

Question # 1

The most valuable assets of an organization are the people who invest their time, skill and energy into laying a strong foundation for the operational and economic progress of the company. These human resources need to be motivated and compensated for their valuable contribution in order to sustain growth of the company (Advantec, 2010, p.n.d). Performance management enables the organization to create a healthy environment where people are able to execute their jobs with optimum quality. Performance management is the most widely used tool by managers to communicate the expectations of the company from the employees. This streamlined process allows a feedback mechanism which enables employees to gauge their performance to the established benchmark (Mucha 2009, pp. 51). The feedback allows the managers to devise programs that can be used to train and improve the skill and knowledge of the employees. There are many methods that are available for management and experts that can help the organization to in attracting and creating an environment in the company that fosters career development. However, staffing is a function of Human Resources which incorporates the proper management of the workforce of an organization. Staffing involves all the steps required to create an efficient workforce for an organization and to maintain the efficiency of that workforce. Staffing incorporates all the functions of a human resource department from recruitment and hiring to evaluation, promotion and layoffs. Effective staffing is very important for the growth and success of an organization. It helps an organization get the best employees for all of its departments and this ensures higher productivity and better performance.

European Buildings Materials Company (EBMC) has its entire focus on the decentralized approach along with the small corporate HR staff at it's headquarter which undertakes the ...
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