Managing Human Resources

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Managing Human Resources

Managing Human Resources


Globalization is the the era we are in and the world is turning into a small village. Everyone is closely connected to other people who are miles away, the companies are more closely link and so are the governments. In today's time, the globalization has created many challenges for everyone who is in the corporate world or associated with business in one way or another. These challenges vary in degree of importance as well as in relevance.

However, the biggest challenge at present is to manage and retain a productive workforce. This job falls under the umbrella of Human Resource Management. By the term HRM or HR we mean the management of human capital of an organization, hiring, training and retaining employees. Though, this role has greatly change from its precipitate shape. Now, the HR's job is not only to recruit and lay-off employees but to retain and motivate them, get the best out if your human capital and create a working environment that is suitable for all. The biggest challenge for HR is to manage such a diversified force as, now organizations have employees working from all parts of the world. This raises contemporary issues and challenges for organizations and HR has to be on its toes all through the time.

The concept of International Management has not been given the right importance by the researchers and management professionals. There is at present not much material available on the subject and even fewer reference points that can help any organization in performing their roles and responsibilities better. The concept of International management is applicable to all areas of an organization from Finance to Marketing, Production and Human Resource Management.


With the boom in the globalization, the business and management has taken a new dimension with respect to the international arena. This change has turned out to be a matter of concern for organizations, institutes and governments and this is what has resulted into the importance of International Management. Though, the need and growth are both evident in this field; yet the researchers have been ignoring the prospective scope in this area. The current material appropriate on international management is not enough to explain every issue that arises due to the globalization, the dynamics and the implications of locals and the presence of political power in developing countries (Wright, 2011).

Considering the global issues and the consequent impact, HRM is the most affected and targeted area. It is the function within the organizations that focus on the management, recruitment and also provides direction to employees who work for that the organization is called Human Resource Management (HRM). It can also be perform by line managers. It deals with issues related to the employees of the organization such as selection, attraction, hiring, compensation, organization development, performance management, safety, benefits, wellness, administration, employee motivation, communication, assessment, training, and rewarding of employees, while also managing organizational leadership and ensuring compliance with employment and labor laws.

HRM is also an inclusive and strategic approach, which tells us how to manage workplace culture and ...
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