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Information management

In recent years, the public sector is increasingly under pressure to improve performance due to a number of central government initiatives such as Best Value regime and public reporting of its performance. Added to this pressure the current government modernization agenda, or what became known as the information age government or electronic government. Ambitious goals have been established for electronic services have led to the goal that all services are available in electronic form in 2008. Utilities do not have the same bottom line goals of the private sector in terms of profit maximization, but this is a simplification, to see how the public sector without the pressure of the environment. Domestic markets and competitive funding introduced business disciplines and is downward pressure on public expenditure and increasing statutory responsibilities. This is inevitable, because the pursuit of performance and value for money improvements will be linked from the agenda e-government and information technology (IT).

The central government requires that the public sector currently spends £ 3 billion a year on IT services and this figure is expected to reach £ 4.75bn by 2004. This is usually demonstrated not only that the costs of the significant and increasing, but that the use of IT continues to be regarded as a tool to achieve the improvements identified in the strategy of the government. There may however be a danger that the introduction of IT systems are regarded as an end in itself rather than part of a broader process to deal with ministries and departments of general business purposes. There is widespread recognition that technology alone does not lead to efficiency (Abudayyeh, pp. 8). It can provide the basic mechanism of information flow and can therefore be an important element in any business to improve, but the processes undertaken by the organization should be transformed or re-engineering. This process of change with which departments and agencies respond to and anticipate changes in the environment. This is also an opportunity to attract new work methods that will ensure business objectives in a more efficient and effective manner. Such transformation processes are widely known as business processes (BPO). It can be defined as the fundamental rethinking and radical design of business processes to achieve significant improvements in critical, contemporary measures of performance such as cost of service quality and speed. Reengineering involves the revision of organizational processes. This means starting from scratch in designing the process of core business instead of the current analysis. It includes the reconfiguration of work to better serve customers, a true assessment of business efficiency. Reengineering forces us to radically objective way that organizations are run and change organizations around the desired results, rather than functions or departments. Traditionally, programs to improve the work to look at the functional areas such as marketing, accounting or production. BNR processes considered in their entirety, and affect the organizational structure and boundaries. Although BPR is a specific management philosophy for the ...
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