Managing Ethics In An Organization

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Managing Ethics in an Organization

Managing Ethics in an Organization


Ethics are one of the most important things that are needed to run an organization effectively and without problems. Organizational ethics can be defined as the ethics that an organization holds. They are basically the responses that an organization make sin response to the internal, as well as, external stimuli. The culture of an organization highly influences the ethics in any organization. Organizational ethics are the broad view of ethics that an organization and its managers have (Trevino & Brown, 2004). It expresses the values that an organization has towards its employees, as well as, other entities that are beyond the government laws and regulatory legislations. Ethics are also needed by the company to sustain in healthy competition and maintain its position, as well as, its goodwill in the industry. There is prime importance of setting up ethical policies and making a code of conduct in an organization. This helps the employees understand the ethical principles that they are expected to follow. Developing and implanting ethics in an organization is a difficult task and requires leadership, as well as, managerial skills of the management. Ethics largely depend on the culture of an organization therefore, the idea of ethics is different from company to company. Managing ethics in an organization can yield positive results for the company and can help the company increase the goodwill that it has among its employees and customers.


Managing Ethics in an Organization

The first thing that needs to be done by the management is setting ethics as a top priority in the company. The standards for ethics in an organization need to be set by the top management and then there should be a system of checking whether the ethics are practiced and employed in the company by the employees or not. String ethics need to be embraced by the top management as well to set a standard and example for the lower staff to follow. Behaving responsibly and ethically can be done by an organization if the managers and the top level personnel are really interested in implementing and practicing these ethics in an organization. If the current leaders of the organization are alive to the ethics in the organization, the future leaders will also follow suit (Trevino & Weaver, 2003).

A challenge that the managers face in implementing ethics in an organization is actually determining what ethics are. It can be quite a challenge for the management. Determining the ethics is highly dependent on the social factors, which tell a person what is ethically and morally correct, and what is not. There needs to be an induction of ethical personnel in the company who will always contemplate what problems and harm his actions can cause to his company, his workers, the communities and the coworkers. It is important that the ethics of the employees of a company be tested often. This also includes the testing of higher officials of an organization, as well as, the ...
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