Managing Diversity

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Managing diversity at workplace

Managing diversity at workplace


In order to foster trust and maintain a favorable working environment, all organization must effectively address the changes in the workforce that have emerged over the past few decades. Discrimination in workforce dates back to the mid of the 19th century, when Jim crows communism fueled inequality on the basis of ethnicity. ( but with the downfall of communism and with the passage of time, major changes have occurred in the employment practices by the organizations. But still in some places and organization, disparity in employment practices can be witnessed.

Managing diversity in a global context

As the boundaries between the regions are diminishing due to globalization, an increase in the degree of diversity in workforce has been witnessed. ( More people are moving to regions other than their homeland in order to get employed. This has resulted in a mixed population. People of different regions, race and ethnicity are being found in work force. This is specially witnessed in countries such as UK, USA AND Australia which are developed and have greater employment opportunities than the other developing counties. People from different regions get attracted by the lucrative employment opportunities offered by the organization in these well developed nations. This results in a diverse workforce. Moreover, over the past few decades major changes have been seen in the women roles. Family structures and responsibilities have changed to a significant extent. Major changes in the roles played by men and women have been noticed. More women are entering the workforce than there were before. ( Although this is a favorable change in the society yet it has given rise to discrimination.

Basis of discrimination

Discrimination in employment practices is of several types. An employer may discriminate on the basis of age, compensation, disability, generic information, national origin, race, religion, and gender. Discrimination is whatsoever type results in frustration by the employees as well as hampers the image of the company as an employer.( A company may treat an applicant less favorably or in cases even refuses to employ on the given basis. Although discrimination can be done on any of the basis by the employer, this study focuses on gender discrimination. Discriminating on the basis of gender means that there is an inequality in the employment approaches adopted by the employer concerning the hiring of men and women in the society. ( A company may treat women as less favorably and exploit their rights of employment. A company may not provide equal employment opportunities and rights to the men and women either already a part of or desirous to become a part of the company workforce.(

Gender discrimination

For explaining and understanding the basis of gender discrimination, it is important to first explore the reasons behind the change in the workforce owing to genders. The structures of families have changed to a great extent over the past few decades. More women are entering workforce. ( Some women are employed full time while some are ...
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