Managing Change In Organisations

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Managing Change in Organisations

Managing Change in Organisations


Change management is an organized procedure whereby any company deals with and gets used to the powers in its micro and macro atmosphere so as to boost its efficiency and guarantee its continued existence. “Medical & Optical, Supplies Ltd.” is an international organisation which is also present in Nigeria. It was the first optical instrument organisation in Nigeria. Medical & Optical, Supplies Ltd. manufactured the standard optical care, but customers increasingly preferred the latest variety. Also, Medical & Optical, Supplies Ltd. was tough in technology in analogue, as the customers and its market were moving towards digital technology. Also, although Medical & Optical, Supplies Ltd. (M&OS) was powerful in the markets of other parts of the world, it was pathetic in the markets of Africa. This will have to change with the appointment of fresh strategy. In order to create change, I will follow a simple rule of McKinsey 7S model that “Structure is not company”.


In my view the organisation had 'not been working according to its capacity'. In the next two years, the organisation must strive to reverse the condition with the help of methods of cost-cutting. I would downsize M&OS, decrease employees, boost efficiency, and reduce the charge of an optical support by 15%. In upcoming years, M&OS is expected to make a profit with sales growing at 05 per cent annually. More significantly, currently I do not believe that the organisation may have a potential. I would be seeking a prolonged improvement for M&OS. I must look at modern equipment, Optics. I would look at vigour in quality delivery system. I would look at the whole lot, but not anything was there could be done better than the struggle. I attain this vision is barely unexpected. When going alongside the top companies of the world, it becomes very complicated to observe how a small Nigerian organisation may, for instance, plan a better microprocessor for digital vision than Samsung. (Senge 2009, 530 )

However, I will not quit. As an alternative, I would resolve to 'do the things which are beyond imagination'. I believe that we can plan a novel method of doing a trade that may be considerably more faster, profit-making, and more artistic than the large actors, and that may perhaps make amends for the general need for resources, need for additional capital, and need for technical superiority.

The Vision of Change

I realise that the manufacturing business is perfectly expertise-related, and the major power is to craft optical aids more comfortable. Alternatively, I think this deliberation on technology is limited. I believe that M&OS is not in the optical business as such; they are in the dealing of 'helping individuals to be happy' - reinstating pleasure of living that eye injury may annihilate. I consider that 'helping individuals to be happy', denotes not only giving them a fantastic part of expertise but in fact modifying people's lives more ...
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