Managing Change In Organisations

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Managing Change in Organisations

Managing Change in Organisations

Task 3 - Ideal approaches to implementing change

The model given by McKinsey is related to the improvement in the organization and bringing effectiveness in the operations of the organizations. The operations comprises of systems, strategy, skills, shared goals, structure, style, staff for the achievement of consistent performance and organizational change. McKinsey model can also be used for the purposes of environmental scanning. First of all, organizations need to define their strategy and then they would define the skills for the achievement and fulfilment of that strategy. McKinsey model has the following dimensions for the organizational changes within the productive organizational activities (Lewis 2011, 45).


This dimension is for the purpose of sustaining competitive advantage. It directs the company how it should adapt the environment to maximize its capital potential. It is necessary for implementation of an organizational change to formulate the most suitable and correct strategy. This allows the organization to conduct right environment of the assessment and related competition. For the achievement of business goals, it is important for the organizations to allocate and approach with right actions. Proposing strategies are not so difficult and implementing them.


The structure defines the management the reporting system: whom to report and how work is divided among the employees. The structure involves a systematic view of the work conducted and implemented between and within organizational departments. Within this dimension provided by McKinsey, the authority and responsibility are defined within the relationships and structure of an organization. This design described helps the organization achieve its objectives and facilitates the structure and organizational design. Abiding by this process, in case the strategy changes, the structure of an organization will change accordingly (Sullivan, 2006).


This dimension covers the operations and core processes of the organization. System dimension suggested by McKinsey's model identifies accomplishment of goals, important issues and making decisions within the process. This dimension comprises of all the processes and procedures related to the implementation of the strategy which includes budgets, information systems, controls, production systems and processes. Within organizational functions, all the formal and informal procedures are followed. The procedures suggested must be formulated according to the strategy. Adequate support must be provided for the achievement of the strategy.


This dimension inculcates the leadership style. It directs how the culture of the organization is affected by the organizational leaders and their actions and words. The roles are defined, provided and demonstrated by the senior management. According to the organizational strategies, the priorities and commitment of the organization are communicated to every employee inclusive of its symbols, communicated and relevant actions (Lewis 2011, 45).


This includes the human resources and employees of the organization. This section defines the requirement of skills by the employees of the organization. The employees have the role of improvising the organization and they are responsible for the implementation of organizational strategies. For the implementation of organizational strategies and its implementation, human resource directs the organization towards ...
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