Managing Change In Organisation

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Managing Change in Organisation at EMAAR United Arab Emirates

Table of Contents


Company overview3

Task 1. Organisation's activities and implementation of a significant change4

Task 2. Key Issues and Action Plan7

Action Plan8


2.Defining a Vision9

3.Defining Strategic Goals for Changes9

4.Documenting Changes10

Task 3 . Ideal' Approaches to Implement Change11

Lewin's Model of Change11

Stage 1: Unfreezing12

Stage 2: Change12

Stage 3: Refreezing12

Resistance factors for change13

Task 4. Factors that Measure Success15


Managing Change in Organisation at EMAAR United Arab Emirates


Due to some various reasons individuals and organisations are likely to resist change.

There are certain elements that participate in organisational change for the successful implementation. For the successful implementation of change a proper managerial behavior is required to manage change. Therefore, in this paper we will be discussed the issues that is associated with change management. At some degree the nature of the organisations usually resists changing. Organisations take various steps to guarantee about the operational success and usefulness; they make powerful defense mechanism against change, change is against to the issues and the harms that have been formed due to various reasons (Worley, 2001, pp. 210).

One of the major issues facing by EMAAR United Arab Emirates is change management. Managing change is not a new fact that organisatiosn have faced today. However, it is a reality that when organisations decide to manage change employees usually resist to change, for them it is not easy to accept change. For that reason, today change managed has been mostly discussed within large and small organisations.

Company overview

EMAAR Properties is a real estate company which operates its business in Dubai. EMAAR is one of the biggest real estate companies and it's been founded in 2007. The company is famous for its fast growing market value and revenues. In 2000, EMAAR Properties is being listed in the Dubai Financial Market and its market reserves are the one of the top reserves, however, in 2005 EMAAR get its profits of $1,287 million and its property's amounted to 8.767 million. In addition, EMAAR is the largest contributor to the Government of Dubai; company contributes almost 32% of its shares.

Task 1. Organisation's activities and implementation of a significant change

The change process includes all the activities that going to help the organisation to accept the change, new attitudes, technologies, and innovative ways to conduct business successfully. Effective change management can allows the organisations to change the strategy, systems, technology and individuals to change the organisation to reach its maximum targets, performance and profits that guaranteed the continuous development in an increasing changing environment of business (Nelson, 2002, pp.40). The changes are caused by the interaction of forces, these are classified as:

Internal: those that can be appeared within organisation, and can create the demand for structural change, for instance, technological adaptations, strategies changes, policy changes, etc.

External: those that can be appeared outside the organisation, creating the need for internal order changes for instance, the government ruling, the standards of quality, and limitations in the environment both physical and ...
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