Managing Change In Healthcare

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Managing Change in Healthcare

Managing Change in Healthcare


A system of care is an approach to health care that is a coordinated network of community-based services and supportive care. Systems that support family health recognize the importance of family and community in restoring and promoting health. In countries such as the United Kingdom, elements of care systems include traditional medical services, such as fee-for-service physicians and other medical providers, health maintenance organizations (HMOs), preferred provider networks, services provided by government agencies or departments, and public and private mental health care services. Such systems often provide care for a family member who is receiving care in the context of a family although, in some cases, the family itself is the focus of care. Examples of health care focused on families include health care provided by family practitioners who are physicians, nurses, or physician assistants and family therapy provided by psychologists and other health care professionals. Health care systems include clinics and community-based programs administered by federal, state, or local health departments, such as maternal and child health care clinics and integrated systems of care for medically underserved or high-risk populations (Van de Water, 2011, pp. 578-81).


The purpose of writing this paper is to give readers an idea about the change management in the health care sector. Health care sector always hold a critical position in the society and it requires proper management so that the patients and the society feel their selves in secure hands. Therefore, in this paper, the author tried to cover all the areas of health sector in terms of the change management when the senior medical staff management shows resistance towards key policy initiative proposed by the health care manager. In this regard, the author closely analyzed the situation and formulates the evidence which might help the readers to get better understanding.

The author analyzed that the present problem is the proper health care leadership—one in which improving the health of the community comes into conflict with the existing structure of the delivery system. Basic health indicators suggest that the “low-hanging fruit” of population health improvement is in the expansion of primary care services. However, these services have the least financial support in U.K. reimbursement mechanisms, whereas in other countries, primary and preventive care has historically been a hallmark of health care system design. The challenge for leadership presented by these data is one of restructuring medical delivery with a balanced focus on primary care and access without diminishing the specialized services that are the pride of U.K. communities and providers.

Further moving on, the author formalized certain points, which illustrate successful strategies for managing organizational change could include:

Establish an agreement for a common vision of change

A strong executive leadership to communicate this vision and make people buy the idea of change

A strategy for education to employees about how their daily work will change

A concrete plan to measure whether the change is taking hold successfully or not - and monitoring plans for both satisfactory to unsatisfactory- Rewards, both monetary and social, to encourage individuals and groups to deal with their own roles and responsibilities (Patterson, 2008, pp. 121-23; Dearstyne, 2008, ...
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