Managing Business Responsibly

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Managing Business Responsibly

Managing Business Responsibly

Discourse is the term which is used to show the ideas which are considered as understood or taken as granted may be that is the reason that these ideas are not properly explained by the authors to the readers. If the discourses are increasing in our surrounding then there is probability that we are limiting the chances of building better relationship with the others. Sometimes it also becomes difficult with the orthodox frame of mind to bring change. Discourse plays a vital role in the management and it also plays a vital role in minimizing the conflicts among the people. The topic in which I will identify the discourse is the “Political discourse and political cognition”. Political text and disclosure are link with the socially shared and collective interactions of the groups that share the same values or institutions. Politics and discourse can be interlinked with two ways; a socio cognitive level of description and a socio political level of description. The socio political way is basically the processes and coordination of the political actors in a political way, where as the socio cognitive way is the way which represents the individuals in a political discourse. Political cognition focuses on the information processing, use and representation of the political situation and groups Karreman & Alvesson (2000).

It deals with the socio political issues, prejudices, stereotypes and the identity of the group. In the socio political discourse the focus is on the dominance of the relationship between the different classes of the society. One of the crucial analyses of the discourse analysis can be the power and the pattern of discourse in a social group. Power is basically the possession of the attributes of an individual or a group. The power can be because of the knowledge of that person, his or her expertise or the access of the resources the person have Kagal (2003). If someone has power and he or she is also very generous to the people it may be because of his or her personality, learned behavior and perhaps it is the behavior that he or she adapted from his or her ancestor. Sometimes discourse became the undeniable truth. It is because of the repeated actions that a person takes in a particular situation, if the person takes this decision frequently without any change then there is probability that his frequently repeated decisions became a conventional discourseMalonev (2004). People then will take it is for granted and expect the same behavior on that particular situation. It is not only in the situation or in the offices but it also happens in the relationships as well. In families and friends if a person repeat the same behavior at a particular situation then the family and the friend will expect the same behavior from that person in future at the same situation. This is how a discourse can become orthodoxy for an individual. Every individual has different characteristics so it's not necessary that every ...
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