Managing Anger

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Managing Anger


Anger is a natural feeling that every living being experiences. Managing anger is an essential part of a person's well being. Soft kinds of human anger might consist of annoyance, frustration or dislike. When a person responds to irritation, criticism, or a danger. Anger can be a minor consequence of being sad, lonely or scared. When anger becomes a complete blown fury our decision and thoughts become damaged and we are prone to act and say illogical and perverse things (Howards & Day, 2003). Anger management teaches us to identify the frustrations at an early stage and deal with them in way that permits us to state our needs, and at the same time being composed and in control. Dealing with anger is an attained skill which involves letting go off the negative actions that are an outcome of frustration.


Anger is not only a state of mind, but it activates physiological responses such as a rise in heart rate, blood pressure and intensity of adrenaline and no adrenaline. There are many instances in our life where we feel that things go beyond our control and we tend to take it out on something. An example that I experience in my daily life is when I am driving and I see a driver that turn without giving an indicator or does not stop on the 'stop' sign. It is very frustrating to see such things happen, and I use curse words, and tend to lose focus on the things I am thinking about.

Traffic jams are also very frustrating as I have to sit through them, and they waste a lot of time. I go to work, and face situations which don't bother me at first but over a period of time start having an impact. My boss used to give ...
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