Managing And Leading Change

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Managing and Leading Change

Managing and Leading Change


This report aims at aiding Mr. Martin Stevens in order to help him identify various strategies which can be implemented for the purpose of establishing a more integrated workforce which can help the company achieve greater success. In order to make a more sound impact a number of theories and models have been sought which can significantly help Mr. Stevens and the senior management improve the overall performance of the company and bring a certain change within the company in a positive manner which makes the overall process of adapting change easier.


According to Brinsmead (2011) effective organisations and managers are constantly aiming at hiring the right number of high skilled employees and provide them with proper training in order to prepare the staff towards meetings any circumstance that might occur and ensuring that the workforce is unified. Organisations with unified and integrated workforce can significantly help an organisations maximize its performance. For the company to prosper it is important to focus of workforce development which focuses on the skills, knowledge and behaviour that is needed for a particular job in order to create a workforce which aims at providing quality services, training and learning needs also need to be understood in order to be able to identify any training requirements, this helps integrate the workforce and helps give them a proper direction of what the organisation requires and ensuring that the workforce is capable of meeting those requirements. In order to understand the benefits of creating an integrating workforce can be better understood by (Appendix A)

The first step Mr Stevens that needs to be taken is to prepare the employees for changes. Change is vital for the growth of an organisation and expansion and also gives the company a competitive advantage. Changes are often not taken well by employees who instantly retaliate to any slight change in their working conditions or environment and the employees require time to adjust to the new circumstances effectively. Communication needs to be open and straight forward in order to help the employees smoothly make the transition. The following nine steps can help significantly in order to make the employees not just understand the change being brought but also help them embrace it:

Map out the change process

Clearly map out the change that needs to be brought, every detailed aspect needs to be identified and clearly stated, specifying the timeline and course of action required. It is also important discuss the key areas that are likely to be directly affected by the change

Create leaders

While undergoing change it is important to have certain leaders who can aid the employees with any issues they might be having and also ensure that the employees maintain a high morale. Leaders can also maintain a regular check on any negativity and employees who are being stubborn and unwilling to accept the change and who might also be corrupting the minds of those who are willingly accepting the change being ...
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