Managing & Developing Hr

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Managing & Developing Human Resources in Organizations

Managing & Developing Human Resources in Organizations


Managing employees is vital component of the Human Resource Management. With the purpose of understanding the significance of effective employees in an organization one needs to recognize the organization and human beings (employees) as a unit. Majority of the organizations (those which are well managed) consider their employees as the root cause of success and quality. These sorts of organizations believe that their employees are not capital investment, but the elementary source of capital. Those organizations, which achieve their goals are considered effective, because an organization that is effective will make certain that there occurs satisfaction, commitment and strong cooperation within its workers. In order to make employees committed and satisfied with the organization, there is a requirement of effective and strong motivation of its workers at a number of levels. This paper analyzes the relationship between job design, job satisfaction and motivation and assesses the impact of other factors on motivation.


Employees' job satisfaction and motivation have been examined by various theories of motivation. Such as process theories, reinforcement theories, and need based theories. Nonetheless, employee motivation has been found quite difficult to have been defined. According to Ifinedo (2003) it is the behavioral features of the employee. The liveliness within organization is achieved by the level of motivation of its workers, despite the company being private or public (Fandt, Goodman & Lewis, 1995). As discussed by Gloembiewski (1973) motivation as the level of tendency of an organization to pursue few designated goals and entails the determination of the locus and nature of the forces suggesting the level of tendency.

Job design explains, in a broader scope, the working conditions and characteristics of a work place. For this particular paper job design would be seen as explaining characteristics of a workplace that are associated with the job satisfaction. Above all, the paper will make a distinction enriched from tailoristic or classic design of the job. Therefore, enrichment of the job refers to the workplace enrichment due to the autonomous job designs and diversified tasks. This explanation of improved job design is linked to “new” or “innovative” work practices or job design (Bauer, 2004, Pp. 57-85). These high involvement or modern work practices concentrate on the composition of the workplace relying on psychological features. Job design has produced considerable empirical and theoretical interests in the past decades. ...
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