Managing And Communicating Information

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CMI - Unit 3004 Managing and Communicating Information

CMI - Unit 3004 Managing and Communicating Information


As a first line manager, it is essential to be well versed in methods of collecting, analysing, and communicating information to the subordinates as well as the upper management. The function of line managers is probably one of the most comprehensive as the business is directly related to the performance of those at the lower level. First line managers have to present day-to-day reports of the operations of the business to the reporting authority in order to determine the mode of operations of the business.

1. Gathering and Selecting Data

Data gathering is one of the core responsibilities of first line managers since it is not possible to draw effective conclusions without factual material. However, data gathering is not an easy task as several factors need to be kept under consideration and managers needs to access the data-gathering methods.

1.1 Criteria Used In Sourcing Data

There are several data collection techniques such as test marketing, panel studies, projective techniques, observations, focus groups, internet, field collecting, and archival techniques. Managers need to have a good understanding of every technique since it will help to properly analyse and present the report. Firstly, it needs to be determined whether the data collection technique will help find an answer to the questions and the second consideration is whether the format of the data will be such that it may be capable of analysis. It will also provide the relevant background needed for an accurate and effective business report (Tobey, 2007, pp. 41-45).

Managers also need to keep a watch on the strategies of competitors so that they can devise plans in order to counter the strategies of competitors in order to gain competitive advantage. The internet can provide some vital information about competitors and also the market conditions. This can help managers especially those responsible for the marketing of the products of the organization.

However, in-depth information is only provided by market research. These researches are targeted on the organizations market in order to ensure that they gain the best information. By combining data retrieved from various sources, first line managers are able to produce reports that give comprehensive information about the organization.

While sourcing data it is essential to determine whether the data is appropriate. In order to do so, the objective of the study should be kept in mind so that the best data is retrieved. The data being retrieved should also be current. Too old data is often invalid since data constantly changes. For example, the population of Britain in 1990 cannot be considered in order to estimate the current birth rate.

1.2 Quantitative and Qualitative Sources of Data

Data may be in the form of quantitative or qualitative data. Quantitative data is based on numerical data and is measurable. Statistical tools can also be applied to this data making it easy to analyse and present. The information gathered from quantitative data is considered to be the most accurate and ...
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