Managing Activities

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Managing Activities to Achieve Results

Table of Contents



What has been the impact of the ideas of W. Edwards Deming on management? (3.1, M1)2

Does ISO 9000 improve quality? Explain (3.1, M1)3

Why does quality matter? Explain (3.3, M3, D2)3

Select an organization in the manufacturing industry and find out what kind of actions taken to improve the quality? (3.3, D2)3


Why it is important that company needs change during this time? (5.1, M2)3

Change brings many oportunities. What oportunities do you see coming out of (during) this time of change at your company? (5.2, M3, D1)4

Changes brings oportunities4

Management of Change:4

Information Management:4

Coaching and training programs4

During this time of change there are many things that are still uncertain, how can you overcome from your perspective taking an example from the company? (5.3, M2, D2)4






Managing Activities to Achieve Results


Management in performing any activity is very essential. Management has its keen role to play in achieving tremendous results in the performace and acvievements. The strategy of management includes result based managements in which everyone performs his part for the achievement of their result development in a straight forward way or by other way. They make it sure that their wanted outcomes should be accomplished. Research based management defines the responsibility for the performance and results through self assessment (

Quality Management

What has been the impact of the ideas of W. Edwards Deming on management? (3.1, M1)

Rightly Edwards Deming is known in Europe as primarily consultants, whose teachings the Japanese Industry in the 50s boosted. So we can hardly imagine what Influence he had in the 80s to the whole of American society. Deming in his Country recognized late, although he held for twelve years publicly accessible seminars.

Deming owes its popularity not the help of the press, as oposed to those consultants that the Requested renewal of American management. Since 1950, he explained his ideas to small Groups of infidel Americans. Some were very impressed and asked him the leading employees of the company to his ideas. Explain Deming had not enough time to hold private seminars at all those it invited to. Therefore, he decided the George Washington Institute, an educational centre with, the organization of public events instruct that by advertising the Companies were a great success immediately. No training program on management ever had previously assumed such proportions. In twelve years, the construction of the seminar has not changed. Deming analyzed the practices of Western management to indicate that they were not consistent and often on false ideas were based. Resulting in a new base he built on a real management theory (

“Total Quality Management is overall concept on quality covering everyone in the organization”. Explain(3.2, M2, D1)

The organizational efforts is shown and describe by the TQM stresses which uses and facilitate the solving of quality problems and it give the great emphasises on the teamwork which shows the better result. The team can produces the better result as compare that two heads are better than one by using the techniques brainstorming, discussion and the quality ...
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