Managerial Style Analysis

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Managerial Style Analysis

Managerial Style Analysis

The scenario

Mr. Chen (regular patient) often came to our clinic to get medicines both for his hypertension and seasonal cough and flu medicines.

One of the visits he was prescribed an antibiotic call Amoxicillin, and he was allergy to the medications. He called us and we were notified of the allergy. So, his entire case sheet was updated with allergy sticker and the clinic management system was updated accordingly.

On one particular day, at about 10.30am he consulted doctor at our clinic for his flu and cough. The doctor on duty was Dr Kong locum doctor. During the consultation Dr Kong did not verify the drug allergy with patient checked the in the patient case sheet.

Once the consultation completed the case sheet handed back to us. I took the patient case sheet packed the medication and entered the medications into the clinic system for labeling process, while I was entering the medications into the clinic systems, another patient came for registration. He handed over his insurance card to my staff but not his identity, which he supposed too. As according to the procedure, he should have provided us both his identity together with the insurance card, which he refused to give. My Patient Service Officer asked for his identity politely, but the patient not happy and started scolding her loudly at the counter.

I took over the situation from my staff and explained the procedures to the patient, and that it management policy requirements. Patient was not happy and asked my staff to call the helpdesk at the number he provided for verification.

I called the department in-charge of the insurance company with regards to the acceptance procedures of the insurance card. While I was talking with the relevant person with regard to the Insurance Card, the medications was checked by Patient Service Associate and dispensed by Patient Service Officer to Mr. Chen.

The same day at about 6.30pm, the patient came back to our clinic. He complained of breathless and rashes all over his body. The doctor on duty, Dr Ho, wrote a letter of admission, and directed the patient to go to the A&E (Accident and Emergency) department for immediate treatment. Patient was hospitalized.

The incident notification

I was notified of the incident. I was worried and immediately notified my superior of the incident. She advised me not to worry and have a good sleep, and to settle the problem tomorrow. I was very worry of what going to be happened, and how, what happened next. I knew I have to answer and accountable for it. What I should do, and how should I address the problem. What will happen if the patient was in comma, or something bad happened as a result of allergy?

The next day, wrote the incident report. The report was separated into few sections, which included consultation, labeling, checking and dispensing. Each staff involved has to initial on the report. Both of them were very worry, especially the Patient Service Officer, ...
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